Sunday, November 30, 2008

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Meanwhile the ducetto Arcore continues to dabble in the improvised comedy shamelessly do it full time, even in the international market, making childish "cuckoo" to Merkel, it was interesting to listen to the nth tone servile used by TG2, where Augusto Fantozzi, appointed by their ducetto Arcore, Special Commissioner for Alitalia, admits in an interview: "We lose two million al giorno, forse era meglio Air France". No, non ditemi che aveva ragione Prodi pure questa volta? Non ditemi che Prodi aveva visto giusto anche per quanto riguarda la delicata questione Alitalia? Non ditemi che il Berlusca ha utilizzato pure il problema "Alitalia" allo squallido scopo di elemosinare voti durante la scorsa campagna elettorale?Una cosa è ormai assodata,ossia che Romano Prodi verrà sicuramente rimpianto se non altro anche per la serietà al governo ed in campo internazionale, al contrario dell’attuale improcessabile premier P2ista ,soggetto assai pericoloso per il presente e prossimo futuro democratico di questo Paese,lo testimoniano i fatti inquietanti che quotidianamente evidenziano microscopicamente una succube classe dirigente power, orchestrated at the mercy dell'indiscusso their master and owner of the card n.1816 Masonic

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taxation of Extraordinary ..... Nth BUFFALO

The proposal of Prime Minister Berlusconi, however, is not new: 24 May 2007, Senator Luigi Maninetti (wing Swiss People's Party, former House of Freedoms) communicate the bill: "Measures for tax exemption and the de-contribution income from overtime."
In the statement of the design di legge vengono indicati i motivi alla base di un’eventuale detassazione degli straordinari: “Il presente disegno di legge...ha l’obiettivo di favorire, tramite la defiscalizzazione e la decontribuzione dei redditi derivanti dal lavoro straordinario, la produttività del lavoro, la flessibilità organizzativa e, in generale, il rilancio della competitività dell’impresa italiana.” Oltre a favorire la produttività del lavoro, la flessibilità organizzativa e il rilancio della competitività dell’impresa, la detassazione degli straordinari rappresenterebbe, inoltre, “un importante strumento...per aumentare il potere d’acquisto delle retribuzioni”.
La detassazione degli extraordinary seems to be the panacea of \u200b\u200ball evil Italians. However, this does not correspond to reality. The taxation of overtime would be difficult to solve the problem of the decline of the Italian industrial production in recent years: a vision of this fact is linked to an outdated approach that bases economic competitiveness of the industrial system sull'abbattimento costs, and, in particular, sull'abbattimento labor costs. With globalization and the emergence of countries like China and India on domestic and international markets, the reduction of labor costs can not and must not be regarded as a competitive lever adoptable and effective system industry of a country like Italy. To think that the taxation of overtime to help the Italian companies to be more competitive is pure electioneering. The structural problems of the Italian industrial system can be solved by focusing only on product quality and technological innovation, elements where there is huge potential in Italy. This potential was only marginally supported the Prodi government in the past (and especially the reforms of the Minister Bersani).
The tax exemption incentives only the amount of overtime work and the quality of work. For obvious reasons, overtime hours are also the marginal productivity below: dopo le otto ore giornaliere, le ore di straordinario sono quelle in cui il lavoratore è più stanco e quindi meno produttivo.
Un'altra falsità, tipicamente elettorale, è quella che la detassazione degli straordinari sia il metodo migliore per aumentare il potere di acquisto delle retribuzioni. Il problema tutto italiano delle retribuzioni da lavoro dipendente si basa infatti su un mancato aumento salariale (di base e non straordinario) subito dal lavoratore dipendente negli ultimi 10 anni, e dagli aumenti dei prezzi di alcuni beni primari, successivi all’introduzione dell’euro. Sarebbe meglio, a mio avviso, riportare i salari da lavoro dipendente ad un livello accettabile attraverso una reale ed efficace contrattazione a livello national.
As an additional measure, if you really want to reward quality and competitiveness, the best way would be to introduce a wage system moving up (a decent minimum wage contract must still be guaranteed) that rewards the quality of work, his skills and his technical skills. An example would be to divide a share of the dividends of companies employed more deserving. An example of this type would not require any cost to the community. An enormous cost to the community is scheduled for the taxation of overtime: "The effort to tax relief announced by Berlusconi on overtime and the thirteenth is close to ten billion, calculating overtime in a very conservative (starting from 80 hours per year recorded in the engineering sector). "(see Il Sole 24 Ore," generous pledges and covers improvised "by Alberto Orioli, February 15, 2008).
Finally it seems important to note that while the taxation of overtime can be an effective method to stabilize the overtime in black, a policy like this might actually discourage the hiring of new workers, thus becoming a disincentive to employment: if, for example, a company of 10-15 employees, each decided to make an average of one hour daily in the most extraordinary, and if this happened with a system of taxation of overtime, the company would have no incentive to hire a new employee (10-15 hours of overtime per day are expected from a production point of view, to 8 hours of regular work, with the difference that the 10-15 hours of overtime, with the tax exemption would cost much less than the corresponding 8 hours of regular work and discourage the recruitment of a new employee). In this case it would be better reducing taxes new recruits?!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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America has chosen Barack Obama, a young man of 47 years, African American, unknown up to 4 years ago, to guide you along a new road in a period between the more 'difficult history.
"Good evening Chicago! If there are still people out there who doubts that America is the place where everything is possible, still wonders if the dream of our father is still alive today, still questions the power of our democracy, the answer here tonight. And 'the answer I gave the file in front of schools and churches, never so long in the history of this country, done by people who waited three hours, four hours , many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time could be different, and that their voice could be that difference. It 's the answer given by young and old, rich and poor, Democrats and Republicans, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, Native American, gay, straight, disabled or not disabled. Americans, who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.
We are, and always will be, the United States of America. "