Monday, December 1, 2008

List Of Legal Pets In Colorado


How to legally terminate the fee Rai
RAI - Italian Radio and Television is increasingly used as an instrument of power , in spite of any freedom and right to objective information. Like most of the press, the RAI is under strict control "forces" that control the Italian, and what you do not intend to speak only of political parties ... Are appropriately hidden or distorted information more uncomfortable, giving a vision of reality almost regularly distorted the purpose of thought control.
For every change of government, the first focus is always strictly directed to reshuffle the leadership of RAI, because that is where you control the information that comes to people, and from there you check the result that their opinions and their political orientations. Only 10% of the population is also informed by fact newspapers (including at least there is some rare free voice), so that the air, everything is under control, is in fact the sole owner of this information. In addition
insult to injury: the RAI is maintained through a monthly "subscription" required (usually subscriptions are free choice ...) established by decree of King Vittorio Emanuele III as far back as 1938, when fascism was a reality and was not very advisable to criticize things that are not only democratiche.Non, RAI takes money from the Italian State, namely the people's pockets once again. And as if this were not enough advertising revenue also wants carrrozzone! Basically it's like paying three times in exchange for an indecent disservice. A closer look to the Italian state is customary to charge the same things over again, just look at the health, pensions, bills double taxation (eg VAT on tax consumption). Few know, however, that the RAI has was 7% on the fees to pay for real tax (government concession tax). Few people know that for three years, RAI has not paid the tax, and therefore the citizens are obliged by law to subsidize a blatant tax evaders.
If at this point your liver is pretty swollen, let 'satisfaction, let's at least a bit' of justice:
CANCELS THE FEE! CERTAINLY NOT FAIL BUT NOT LEAST WE WILL HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO A SHAME INEFFICIENCIES That has little to do with the true culture is the freedom of information.
First, if you have not already purchased a subscription and
TV , never give your personal information to the seller, if not insist invoked the law of privacy or if you just tell him that the purchase then you do not care anymore. If you do not get to deliver the TV home, take it off in person or at least do give a friend who already pays any canone.Ignorate letter license plate RAI SAT, as threatening, especially if they are not recommended. Every now and then take the list of residents and sending letters to those who appears to have a subscription, they try because they know that many fall for it. Remember that your home is inviolable and that no one can claim to enter for any reason without a mandate (never seen a judge signed a warrant for such ridiculous things).
If you already paid the "subscribe" to not pay more than the rules of the King (...) are not practically changed, RDL No 246, February 21, 1938 provides for only two possibilities (things of this world
...): 1 - allegation of sale of
TV to third parties (which replace the so-called "subscription") 2 - sealed (sealing) of the whole TV!
1 - Assignment of the TV to third parties: In this case, simply fill out the postcard
D (B if it is recent) precompiled attached to the libretto of "subscription" in Part 1 specifying details of the new * possessor or holder, without an envelope and send it in Recommended return receipt requested by December 31. Better to do it at least a few weeks before because qualche caso hanno avuto il coraggio di contestare che è pervenuta dopo il termine.
* Possessore è il proprietario, detentore è chi usa l'apparecchio di fatto. Se il televisore è stato venduto andrà il nuovo proprietario, se il televisore è stato consegnato a terzi (ad esempio in prestito), chi lo riceve è il detentore, che deve ugualmente pagare il canone. Le leggi recenti sulla RAI fanno una confusione spaventosa di questi due termini appositamente per far rientrare nel canone qualsiasi ipotesi, anche ovviamente quest'ultima, in barba ad ogni buon senso.
2 - Suggellazione del televisore:E' il sistema più usato. Basta versare Euro 5,16 a mezzo Vaglia Postale Interno indirizzato a: S.A.T. - CASELLA POSTALE 22-10121 TORINOindicando the cause "television rights for closing costs, No role XXXXXXX" the number of role is specified in the user's subscription and payment of the bulletin board canone.Compilare the usual D (B if it is recent) attached to libretto by subscription in the second, indicating the number of Money, Money, and the date of the date, sign and make a copy, send in the postcard return receipt requested without an envelope, at least a few weeks before December 31. Keep the receipt of the recommendation is fotocopia.Quando receive the card back, sent in registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt of subscription book, taking care to remove the receipts of the payments you have paid rai in the last 10 to 15 minutes total anni.Tempo!
If you do not have the owner's membership is possible, after the usual postal order, send a letter this time in a sealed envelope return receipt requested, to the usual address: SAT - PO BOX 22 to 10121 TORINOcon the following text: Dear
. SAT - PO Box 22 - 10121 Turin
The undersigned requests the termination of the TV fee, and calls to seal the TV (No. of Role ..................... .....) Color held at the home. To this end it has paid the amount of 5.16 euros by postal order No. ....................... ....../......./20 of ...... on which indicated the number of role of the subscription. It also declares to be no longer in possession of the book and subscription requests in accordance with Art. 2 and 8 of L. 241/1990 administrative procedure which will follow the SAT for the completion of the provisions of art. 10 of Royal Decree 246, 21/02/1938.
Surname ................................................ ........... Name ................................................. .......... Via
................................................ ..... City ................................................. .... Postcode .............
Date .....................................
Signature .....................................
It 's easier than it may seem and you will see will be very difficult to seal the televisore.Se also were not allowed to enter without a warrant and if you are good, let him do the operation out into the street if necessary. In a second step, the sealed can of course be removed upon written request, and of course, shared by the canon. The operation to seal provided for by law is incredible staff of the Guardia di Finanza should be (without necessarily going into the house) to enclose the infamous television in a jute bag properly sealed. In reality this is no longer in our poor state it is however necessary to let TV sets in homes remain well-lit, well to control for the information of its subjects.
not ask to seal the RAI channels only! Someone in good faith added this sentence in the postcard or by letter D, with the result that the SAT has NOTHING considered the request, proceeding with the requests of payments + payments + interest ... We know that this would at least makes sense in democracy, since no one has asked the RAI to issue its order in our homes. Unfortunately for the law just the mere possession or possession of any television (even if the RAI in your area do not receive, even if the TV was dead!) To bring forth the obligation of the fee imposed, up to the foreclosure.
RAI ADMITS: Cancellations 253,426 IN 1997! The campaign
anti-RAI is having its effect: for the first time in 43 years, the balance of new-subscriber cancellations in 1997 was negative for a total loss of 45,000 "subscribers", caused by as many as 253,426 cancellation fee and received the looks a bit '... almost all the Padania! meditate, and disclose it to defend our right to information! IN BRIEF

As correctly terminate the license fee
1. Anyone wishing to cancel must first make sure you have paid the full fee for the current year and have no other slopes with the SAT. (ATM Pay TV, until two years ago was named Urara tv).
2. It 'must have the owner's membership, per cui, chi non lo ha, deve farne richiesta con raccomandata ricevuta di ritorno all’ente suddetto, specificando il nominativo del titolare richiedente, l’indirizzo e il numero di ruolo dell’abbonamento che troverete sui bollettini prestampati che. vi inviano a casa per il pagamento. (conservate una fotocopia della lettera che invierete al S.A.T.)
3. Versare 5,16 euro con vaglia postale (IMPORTANTE: IL VAGLIA NON E’ IL BOLLETTINO ORDINARIO), specificando nella causale del versamento “per disdetta canone numero di ruolo: scrivete il vostro numero di ruolo”. Beneficiario del versamento è il S.A.T., casella postale 22, 10121 TORINO. L'agenzia di pagamento è: TORINO VAGLIA E RISPARMI (non sempre specification requires that the money order).
4. Remove the card from the booklet "d", (the "b" if your book and 'recent) entitled "declaration of closure of the subscription television."
Tick the box 2 which contains the request for sealing. Then fill in the blanks bringing the number of money orders and the date of payment.
Below, find the space for the date of shipment of the card, return it and your signature.
On the back of the card name return name and address of the holder to be terminated. Also corrects the old address Urara TV SAT.
Make a photocopy of the card (front and back). The original the postcard is sent without bagging by registered return receipt to the address already printed.
5.When receive the card back, (but do not wait beyond 31 December) sent by registered return receipt of the subscription book, taking care to remove the receipts of the payments you have paid for YouTube in the last 10 years.
whole procedure must be done no later than December 31 of this year.
I remind you that the address to which you have recommended and forward ': 1,
office revenue TorinoS.AT ATM Subscriptions postal TvCasella 2210121 Torino
For information about canceling the fee, call the following numero02/66 234 259il giovedìdalle Tuesdays and 14:00 to 17:30