Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Audio Review A/v Receivers Mid Price


Il terremoto continua a colpire l’Abruzzo. Ha fatto gia' crollare case vecchie e recenti, tutte costruite senza criteri antisismici.Nel momento in cui scrivo le persone decedute sono circa Vespa 230 and the jackals on RAI 1 on Channel 5 are gnawed and win the privacy and dignity of thousands of displaced people, who pay the bill to a policy unable to enforce the rules, inappropriate to apply rules to prevent disasters like what happened in a land known earthquake (Italy Apennines) and tested by previous events such as the Irpinia earthquake, which was even higher magnitude of the earthquake Aquila in recent days.
That lifeless body that comes out from the rubble in the picture, I will remember this as a symbol of Italy and finished with no hope of ripresa.Le my condolences to the bereaved families affected by this earthquake.

Convert Tub Faucet Into Shower


Lo sciacallo in volo vigila dall’alto le case sventrate dell’Aquila e sogna l’occasione perduta di appaltare la loro ricostruzione alla sua Edilnord per chiamata diretta.Lo sciacallo accorre là dove stazionano microfoni e telecamere. Fa il brillante ma il suo lifting tradisce un savoir faire stantio e patetico. Le movenze dello sciacallo rivelano noia. Per nasconderla ricorre ai soliti, banali annunci da bar sport che non fanno ridere, ma nemmeno piangere perché agli aquilani non sono rimaste più nemmeno le lacrime. Gli stessi che lo sciacallo invita ad andare al mare a spese dello Stato con le loro masserizie, come fossero vu cumprà. Ma siccome non ci sono i soldi anche questa battuta si rivela una flaccida cilecca.
Il mondo si adopera per aiutare gli aquilani, ma lo sciacallo non impiega nemmeno un centesimo dei suoi milioni di euro esentasse, nascosti nei paradisi fiscali al sicuro dai processi. Lo sciacallo fa il piacione dicendo che l’Italia ha chiesto all’Europa l’accesso al fondo per le catastrofi naturali. Ma fa una figura meschina lo sciacallo, muto sulla catastrofe degli 8 miliardi di euro annui di fondi europei, finiti nelle tasche dei predatori del sottobosco della politica e della criminalità organizzata, complice dei palazzinari romani.
Mentre le case dell’Aquila come down like sand castles at every shake of the earth, the jackal parroting that there are funds for the bridge over the Messina Strait. But are not there. Just as there will be no killing of the deputy treasurer of his abusive villa, built on the Sicilian side of the intended pier.
The jackal is the specter of himself. The homeless are consumers to eat until the last vote. His scene as a conductor (or conducator) at the press conference was used to mimic the studies of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, with the detail that the questions in this case, the jackal has not accettate.Lo Bertolaso \u200b\u200bjackal has a hero who revealing a glimmer of dignity, ashamed.
Meanwhile, another day to forget is gone. The earthquake is wonderful opportunity for the jackal to make propaganda and marketing of its government puppets engaged in the applause.
L'Aquila is disfigured, his most famous basilica collapsed along with the dome and its fragile economy, which could make tourism a historical treasure. The dome of the Jackal, however, still stands, thanks to the lift that the skit was heartened. The televisions have spread, at this Arcore will already be thinking about how to pass the law on wiretapping bullshit. Earthquake that will topple the last remnant of democracy in this poor Italy.