Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Abortions In Alabama 2010

passbook savings accounts for minors

Sembrano ormai una forma di risparmio in via di estinzione, anche se li trovo un'idea carina per avvicinare i bambini al risparmio.

Navigando su Internet, non sono molte le scelte disponibili;  quelle che ho trovato subito sono:

Intesa San Paolo


Nome offerta: Zerocinque (Da zero a cinque anni)
Costo libretto: Gratuito
Tasso creditore: 1,50% lordo
Periodicità liquidazione interessi: Annuale
Invio comunicazioni di legge: Gratuito
Imposta di bollo sul libretto: A carico della banca
Limite massimo di giacenza 12.500 euro in linea capitale

- Poste Italiane
IoCresco (0-12)
Principali condizioni:
Tasso nominale annuo lordo: 1,40%
Nessuna spesa di apertura e di gestione
Regime fiscale del 27%
Esenzione dall'imposta di bollo

Principali condizioni:
Tasso nominale annuo lordo: 1.40%
No fees to open and manage

27% Tax Exemption from stamp duty

IoCapisco (14-18)
nominal gross annual rate: 1.40%
No fees to open and manage

27% Tax Exemption from stamp duty

On a positive note for the benefit of Italian Post Office is not only the joint bid, but also the availability Online fact sheets, which does not provide IntesaSanpaolo.

Idrag Paper Highest Score

Let's stay close to the TFR!

Here the reasons explained by Beppe Scienza, mathematician and economist:

Happy saving everybody!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Little Dinosaur Bubble Game Shoot

Italian mutual funds in crisis

Source: In this article
, Alessandro Pedone emphasizes as investment funds, in the last 10 years , overall, had a lower return than the simple 12-month BOT 2.5% per year. In 10 years means almost 29% of lost productivity than the so-called risk-free rate . In
it also refers to Mediobanca's annual report on asset management, which suggests that managers 4 out of 5 are worse than the benchmark.

Moral: stay away from asset management!!

Can You Hot Curl Weave

The seven remedies to fill an empty bag

Carry one of the first post of 'The Investor' since it seems more timely than ever.

Adapted from "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason
1) Begin to fill your bag. For every ten coins you put in your bag, not that nine estraetene for your needs. Your purse will start to fill up quickly. When the ground holding his weight will give you a nice feeling.
2) Check your cost. Take the expenditure budget in order to have the money to pay more than necessary and to gratify the desires good without spending more than nine tenths of your income.
3) Make your gold multiply. Make sure that each coin makes it so you play as the flocks in the pasture and help you to obtain the wealth that constantly feed your luck.
4) Protect your treasures from loss. Protect your treasures from loss by investing only where your capital is safe, where it can be asked if you wish, and where to gain some good interest.
5) Make sure that your home is a worthwhile investment. you own your home.
6) Make sure an annuity for the future. Provide in advance of your retirement needs and safety of your family.
7) Increase your earning potential. Cultivate your faculties, designed to acquire more skill, acting in respect of yourself.

Widescreen Make People Look Short

The Saver is back

After nearly two years of absence, is back for 'The Investor' with a series of practical post on how to save effectively.
Happy saving everybody!