Recognizing un'ictus brain ...
During a barbecue Federica falls.
anyone wants to call an ambulance but Frederick says he stumbled getting up with new shoes.
Since she was pale and trembling, help it to rise.
Federica spent the rest of the evening calm and joy.
Federica's husband called me that night saying that his wife was in hospital. At about 23:00
me back and tells me that Federica is deceased.
Federica had un'ictus brain during the barbecue.
If the friends were able to recognize the signs of a 'stroke, Federica would still be alive.
Most people do not die immediately.
Just 1 minute to read the following:
A neurologist says that if you can not be taken within three hours of the attack can be easily remedied.
The trick is to recognize the stroke time!
Being able to diagnose and remove the patient within three hours of therapy.
Which is not easy.
Over the next 4 points, there is a secret to tell whether someone has had un'ictus cerebral
* Ask the person to smile (not make);
* Ask the person to utter a complete sentence (eg Today is a good day) and will not make it;
* Ask the person to raise their arms (or will not make us succeed only in part);
* Ask the person to show you the language (if the tongue is swollen or just moving sideways is a warning sign).
If you experience one or more of the above points call over the emergency room immediately.
Describe the symptoms of the person by phone.
A doctor says that if you send this e-mail at least 10 people,
you can be assured that we would have saved the life of Federico, and possibly our own. Every day we send so much junk
the globe, use the links to be helpful to us and to others.
Do you agree?