Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Furniture Masterbation

burned in Europe for € 222 billion

It 's like figure that was burnt down yesterday following the collapse of the stock of the old continent.
The thing that makes me most angry about all this were the words of the various "experts" of the banks who have said that there 'nothing to worry and worry.
Why was I to say the least 'pissed'????
The reason is simple: I do not think the small investor who seized with panic, decides to sell his shares, might have led to the fall of the various exchanges.
It was precisely the self-styled experts that has sold !!!!!
Why should we just stay quiet, according to them, if we are the architects of their own all these sales??

Happy saving!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Beauty French Phrases

the importance of informing

Many of us are struggling with mortgages, and the Bersani decree should open the market, facilitating the portability of mortgages, to the benefit of us consumers. But many of these consumers will be able to inform themselves and make their own interests and not those of the banks? I do not think we are many! Want to laziness, or because many of its trust bank, made is that the banks are counting on the fact that their customers are their faithful. In fact I have not heard a rising chorus of protests from the ABI (Association of banks) against that order, because they know that many will not 'betray'.
Having said that I did a test on a site specializing in mortgage loans ( www.mutuionline.it ), simulating the demand for a fixed rate mortgage for an amount of € 120,000 and a duration of 20 years. Well, the difference in terms of monthly payment, including the best and the worst is € 60.99!! Che 'smeared' over 20 years, without the calculation of compound interest, is: € 14637.6 !
This simple calculation shows that more and more nowadays, the information is essential.

Happy saving!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Can You Rent A Fake Baby

Budget excel

Finally I made it. I have completed the Excel sheet to use to keep the budget of revenue / monthly releases.
To all those who send an email to: ilrisparmiatore@gmail.com , it will be sent a copy.
I tried to insert a bit 'of categories of expenditure, but can adapt to your specific needs.
Start now, planning the month of March.

If you have any questions please leave a comment to this post, so that other users can see. For my part, cerecherò to respond to all.

Happy saving!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Prevacid And Menstrual Cycle

guide to saving

economy guide is born.
This is a guide distributed at banks and consumer groups and is a guide i n you remember what you should do:
1) Spend the investment of their savings all the time and attention that serve, how does one buy a house, a car or a simple household appliance
2) Remember that investment returns are commensurate with their degree of risk;
3) Diversifying investments. By spreading their savings across multiple investment vehicles you can compensate for any andamento negativo di alcuni;
4) Consegnare il denaro solo nelle forme previste dalle leggi e dal contratto d’investimento;
5) Farsi consegnare i prospetti informativi, ove previsto dalla normativa, e leggerli con calma, facendosi aiutare da un esperto nel caso se ne abbia bisogno;
6) Seguire costantemente nel tempo i risultati dei propri investimenti;
7) Diffidare degli intermediari che non sono stati autorizzati dalla Consob, dalla Banca d’Italia o riconosciuti da altre autorità europee ad offrire servizi di investimento.

...e i sette errori da evitare:
1) Avere fretta. Il tempo impiegato è veramente denaro
2) Investire senza aver compreso le caratteristiche risk and return on investment
3) Focus all your savings on a single investment instrument
4) Give the cash to those who propose to invest in forms other than those provided by laws and investment agreement
5 ) Signing documents without first having read or understood well
6) Never forget your investment after making
7) Trusting people does not prove to be a broker authorized to offer investment services.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cargo Van Shelves Colorado


About as large retail chains, banks and financial debt we always want more, I invite you to look at this video of the mythical Beppe Grillo:


or can be found at:


Where Can I Get A Dgk All Day Shirt?

The need to make a budget expenditure

start with some advice. The second rule to fill an empty purse, found in my first post is a clear indication of the need to control our costs. And what better way can there be, than to adopt a budget? Here are some considerations:
1) To achieve our goals (a new house, a new car or raising children) we need an investment / savings, enabling us to reach our goal. And this journey begins with the preparation of a budget.
2) A budget lets you control your money and not vice versa.
3) A budget tells you if you are holding a standard of living that suit your income. The use of credit cards (revolving worse if) you do can lead to the temptation of the costs that normally could not support.
4) A budget helps you and your family to focus on common goals.
5) A budget can bring to your attention areas of unnecessary spending, and allow you to use this money to achieve your goals first.

Here, they just listed are just some examples of why we must have a budget to control our costs.
I am also preparing an Excel spreadsheet, to use and customize, allowing you to keep track of your expenses. As soon as available, will send it by mail for free to all those who request it by leaving a comment in my blog.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Plain White Maxi Dress

Why a blog on saving?

Until a few years ago the Italians were known as a nation of savers. And this is true, and if I look at my parents' generation, for the sacrifices they have made to buy a home and educating their children, I can recognize that the generation prior to ours is a generation of savers. What about us? We can say the same thing?
I do not think. We are increasingly indebted, but not for valid reasons such as the purchase of the house. NO! We we go into debt to buy the latest model phone, increasingly powerful computers (but then to make us what?), Ultra-flat screens, MP3 players more and more capacious. We are the generation of payments in installments! The purpose of this blog is to share experiences, tips and solutions, in order to make ends meet, to save something for our future, and why not, to have a greater awareness in our purchases.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Template Pets Clinic Free

The seven remedies to fill an empty bag

Adapted from "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason
1) Iniziate a riempire la vostra borsa. Per ogni dieci monete che mettete nella vostra borsa, non estraetene che nove per le vostre necessità. La vostra borsa comincerà a riempirsi rapidamente. Quando la terrete in mano il suo peso vi darà una gradevole sensazione.
2) Controllate le vostre spese. Fate il bilancio delle spese in modo da avere il denaro per pagare quelle più necessarie e per gratificare i desideri più validi, senza spendere più dei nove decimi delle vostre entrate.
3) Fate in modo che il vostro oro si moltiplichi. Fate sì che ogni moneta renda, affinché si riproduca come le greggi nel pascolo e vi aiuti a procurarvi la ricchezza che alimenterà costantemente your luck.
4) Protect your treasures from loss. Protect your treasures from loss by investing only where your capital is safe, where it can be asked if you wish, and where to gain some good interest.
5) Make sure that your home is a worthwhile investment. you own your home.
6) Make a pension for the future. Provide in advance of your retirement needs and safety of your family.
7) Increase your earning potential. Cultivate your faculties, designed to acquire more skill, acting in respect of yourself.