Monday, February 26, 2007

Beauty French Phrases

the importance of informing

Many of us are struggling with mortgages, and the Bersani decree should open the market, facilitating the portability of mortgages, to the benefit of us consumers. But many of these consumers will be able to inform themselves and make their own interests and not those of the banks? I do not think we are many! Want to laziness, or because many of its trust bank, made is that the banks are counting on the fact that their customers are their faithful. In fact I have not heard a rising chorus of protests from the ABI (Association of banks) against that order, because they know that many will not 'betray'.
Having said that I did a test on a site specializing in mortgage loans ( ), simulating the demand for a fixed rate mortgage for an amount of € 120,000 and a duration of 20 years. Well, the difference in terms of monthly payment, including the best and the worst is € 60.99!! Che 'smeared' over 20 years, without the calculation of compound interest, is: € 14637.6 !
This simple calculation shows that more and more nowadays, the information is essential.

Happy saving!


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