The oldest fasces was found at Vetulonia and dates, most likely, al secolo VIII-VII; si tratta quindi di un ritrovamento di epoca preromana. La sua struttura (scure bipenne inserita tra dodici verghe) e la sua composizione (ferro) rivelano stretti legami esistenti fra le tradizioni nordiche e chi fu l'artefice di tale sacro oggetto. La scure bipenne, in stretta connessione col significato del culto di Janus, dio romano delle origini, è uno dei simboli più antichi della sovranità regale.La dualità simmetrica dei due tagli rappresenta l'integrazione creatrice delle polarità opposte. Tale incontro avviene in un punto dell'asse che è il centro immobile, il punto di passaggio tra futuro e passato, il terzo volto di Janus, il sacro che genera. I tagli dell'ascia rappresentano esattamente "il simbolismo del fulmine", espresso dalle tradizioni nordiche con le rune e la cui composizione forniva lo schema rappresentativo con cui si indicava il sacro Mjölnir, il martello del dio Thor. La folgore ha significato simbolico doppio: da una parte illumina, squarcia le tenebre, dall'altro distrugge, incendia. Poiché spesso, nell'antichità, l'uso della folgore era prerogativa del dio supremo, questa è considerabile come verità che può essere intuita in forma istantanea solo da chi è capace di resistere alla prova del fuoco incenerendo tutto quello che di sé è mortale, raggiungendo, così, una condizione di supervita. Il tracciato stesso della saetta spiega questo processo: una prima fase rappresenta la discesa del fuoco divino sulla terra, la seconda fase è la trasmutazione che fa dell'uomo che ha saputo intuire l'insegnamento un essere simile ad un dio, la terza fase è ancora una discesa, un ritorno di colui che, libero dai vincoli corporei, torna alla terra per riaprire il ciclo. Secondo alcune tradizioni la destra è l'attributo divino della misericordia, la sinistra è la giustizia. Presso gli arabi tali attributi sono la maestà (volto maschile) e la bellezza (volto femminile). Ma presso gli indù la misericordia è prerogativa dei sacerdoti (Brahamana) che possiedono la chiave dei misteri, mentre la giustizia è un guerriero (Kshatrya) che ha diritto di vita e di morte sui sudditi: diritto che egli esercita per mezzo della verga (Scepter of power). Here then is that contemplative way (priestly) and so on (warrior) merge into the center from which they draw the very reason for their existence (the traditional axis, the royal crown only sign of power and total). The twelve rods that "crown" the ax ax are the zodiacal cycle, with its mid-ascending and descending, which originate and end in the summer and winter solstices, are infinite and the representation of the totality of the tradition of the radiant . The zodiac signs are at once the degrees of power and knowledge that goes dall'inqualificazione original, from the night before the day (winter solstice, Black), through the creative breath della luce (equinozio di primavera, colore bianco), fino all'acme espansivo del mezzogiorno in cui la luce tutto pervade.
Il fascismo creò dei punti di contatto tra l'antica Roma e il regime di Mussolini. La potenza, la forza, i trionfi della Roma imperiale vennero interpretati come degni anticipatori della gloria e della potenza fascista, infatti il fascismo si propose come il naturale discendente della Roma antica. Mussolini infatti si faceva chiamare Duce, che nell'antica Roma era il generale, il capo militare valoroso e trionfante in battaglia amato ed apprezzato dai soldati che lo seguivano ubbidienti. Mussolini infatti veniva described by the propaganda with the same qualities of Roman generals and fascists when they met they saluted, raising his right arm up in the same way the soldiers greeted their heads in ancient Rome. The fasces was the symbol of fascism and also comes from ancient Rome and then was a symbol of authority was in fact the symbol of the power of magistrates and was introduced by the Etruscans during the late monarchy, but in fact the beam was a traditional symbol of Aryan , derived from the symbol of the hammer Tohr, the god of thunder in Norse mythology, and even then only spread by the Etruscans in the form in which it is conosce.Il beam consists of a set of elm or birch rods tied together with red ribbons, which represented the power of the consuls (ie the most important magistrates in ancient Rome) to punish with rods and to exercise the "ius necis" ie the right to give death the guilty, side or top to rods, was inserted into a dark age in which the Republican was removed when it was within the city, the beam was brought by lictors during public holidays, most of the officers who were escorting the Roman authorities and that is why it is called Fascist, the beam was crowned with laurel at the triumphs and led instead toppled during severe grief. The number of fasces preceded the judge indicates that the grade: they were more numerous and the higher the degree of the judges themselves: kings and magistrates available to twelve, from Diocletian onwards became the clock, the Judges and Magistrates Equituum Rank Praetorian were preceded by six fasces, the Quaestors five and 42a.C. onwards, they were also equipped with the Vestal Virgins and widows imperial. The Magistrates infer their bow in front of the upper beams (fasces suffer.) Inspired by the Roman tradition, the beam symbolizes both the unity of the people or the authority possessed by the people themselves and in modern times, became a symbol of many political movements . The beam was adopted as a political symbol of the French revolutionaries to symbolize the new republican power: then, the ax was replaced from pike, and the beam was topped with a Phrygian cap. During the Renaissance, many secret societies, especially in the Masonic inspiration, inspired by the fasces, which had always been considered a symbol of unity and freedom. In the second half of the nineteenth century until the First World War, the fasces contin8uò to be used by the forces of the left, as the cohort of workers, proletarian organizations of Sicilian peasants, tow Revolutionary Action etc.With the establishment of a Parliamentary Beam National Defense, after the defeat of Kobarid, the term beam began to be linked to the need for national unity above the interests of the parties. As such, but accompanied to revolutionary demands, the emblem was accepted by Roman B. Mussolini, becoming the symbol of the tow Fighting, and later the National Fascist Party, Mussolini founded the Fasci fact of combat and called the "beam" his newspaper, in that year had few votes in elections and then the name Beam Fascism was, in principle, even if Mussolini had chosen the name Beam in memory of his revolutionary origins, the widely used as a symbol of grandeur and imperial Rome to the point that the fasces became the official symbol of the PNF Even the word "Littorio" was widely used in the fascist period, so much that had become synonymous with Fascist Fascist, for example Fascist youth was also named "Youth of the Littorio. Littorio was the style that the architectural style fascist Littoria (now Latina) was called the "capital city", built in the reclaimed area of \u200b\u200bthe Pontine Marshes; Littoral races were also cultural, artistic and sporting activities for the university and its winners were lictors . In short, the fasces for decades influenced the lives of Italians of the nineteenth century through the propaganda of Mussolini.