The "swastika", from Sanskrit that means "bringer of health," is simply a swastika. It is in a cross with arms of equal length, which are an extension folded at a right angle.
The Swastika and the Peoples
The swastika is a symbol universally known and very old, has vanished in Asia, Mongolia, India and centrale.In effects even in America, the swastika makes its appearance in many cultures of the ancient and the new world, knew the Celts, the ancient Greeks, Etruscans, Egyptians, Mesopotamia and Elam Aztechi.Presso (in prehistoric times), Babylon and the Indus Valley to the preariana culture of Mohenjo-dara (2000 BC), the swastika was seen as a religious symbol for luck and surrounded by an immense aura magica.In India, for example, was joined by the religious significance to astronomical symbolism: with the hooks facing right emblem of the Sun, while in the sense of wrath opposto.In Middle East, at Mycenae in Greece and swastikas were found on statues of women, and around to Artemis, the lady of life, so as to suggest a meaning of life and fertility. The arms of the cross facing the inside allude to a direction of movement in the sense motion. For its wheel shape might suggest the return of the seasons that make up the solar year. It can also turn left or right depending on the folds of his uncini.Nell 'remote China, wan-tsu, is seen as a symbol of the fourfold orientation following points cardinali.Dal 700 AD onwards assumed the significance of the number of ten thousand or so 'infinito.Nell' area indobuddista the swastika was seen as a seal and is often found engraved on the heart of Buddha, in Tibet, moreover, has the value of luck and talismano.Nella Indian religion of Jainism the four arms of this cross represent the planes of existence: the world of the gods, man's world, animal world, world infero.La swastika is also known as "CRUX RANGE" as its hooks reminiscent of the quadrupling della lettera G (gamma) dell’alfabeto greco.Nell’area meridionale i “ganci” sono occasionalmente rivolti verso l’interno o spezzati; in quella germanica invece il martello di Thor e raffigurato sotto la forma di croce gammata.La svastica, se pur con più difficoltà , si rintraccia anche nella culture dell’America precolombiana.Tutt’oggi non è possibile affermare con certezza dove, e per opera di quale popolo, sia comparsa la svastica per la prima volta.Alcune ipotesi la fanno risalire ai Babilonesi, altre collocano la sua nascita ancor prima.Quello che appare certo è che la croce gammata non fu mai tanto famosa quanto lo fu come stemma politico.
Its importance can be traced back romantic exaltation of Germanism that appeared at the turn of the century. First, in 1910, was taken as a sign of Aryan by various groups antisemiti.Poi the "swastika" dextrorotatory appeared in 1919 as the heraldic symbol of the Thule-Geselschaft and, according to Baron Von Glauer Sebottendorff (founder of the Thule), indicated the ascending path of the sun from winter solstice to the summer. In 1919, Friedrich Krohn, a member of Thule, had proposed a cross gammata sinistrogira but the idea received successo.Alla end, the swastika was adopted by Hitler as a symbol before the Nazi Party, and later, from 1933 to 1945, placed under the imperial eagle was the emblem of the Third Reich.La swastika with arms bent to the left is due wrongful conviction and Indo-European Aryan origin of the symbol.
The Swastika of Hitler
Hitler chose the swastika as a symbol before the Nazi Party and then the Third Reich, because he was aware of its ancient origins and was fascinated by ' the aura of mystery and magic that Hitler circondavano.Probabilmente met for the first time the ancient symbol when he was a child and lived in Austria. In the small village of Lambach, where Hitler lived, the swastikas were printed at the portals of the monastery and the cross gammata also returned in the arms of Abbot Hang.La prolonged personal vision of the swastika had a child, it certainly was not the only reason Hitler that led to its adoption as an emblem of the "Nation."
The dictator was a scholar and had esoteric knowledge, this led him to believe that the Aryans were superior as demigods, and to think that his people must at all costs to regain its lost superiority. His ideas led him also to see the Jews enemies as people who did not use the swastika, which had inherited the Aryans who had spread the cult everywhere. "The swastika was the Sun and the Jews were devoted to the moon, the symbol and therefore enemies of the Aryans." Esotericism was studied by Hitler with the aim of developing a society "mystical-political" and an example of this care you may have observed the official colors of the Nazi flag, black, red and white colors sacred alchemy. But National Socialism was tied to the esoteric mysticism, the great use of symbols, with the swastika as its emblem the main, is the conferma.Come himself put it, Hitler, the swastika, it is presented at the Germanic people, a huge success. The flag with the swastika made its debut in 1920 and was once the pride of the dictator and his swastika collaboratori.La quickly ascended the towers of German cathedrals, and lined up on either side of the altar, is engraved ever faster in the heart of a people, becoming the symbol of his victories and his defeats.
The dictator was a scholar and had esoteric knowledge, this led him to believe that the Aryans were superior as demigods, and to think that his people must at all costs to regain its lost superiority. His ideas led him also to see the Jews enemies as people who did not use the swastika, which had inherited the Aryans who had spread the cult everywhere. "The swastika was the Sun and the Jews were devoted to the moon, the symbol and therefore enemies of the Aryans." Esotericism was studied by Hitler with the aim of developing a society "mystical-political" and an example of this care you may have observed the official colors of the Nazi flag, black, red and white colors sacred alchemy. But National Socialism was tied to the esoteric mysticism, the great use of symbols, with the swastika as its emblem the main, is the conferma.Come himself put it, Hitler, the swastika, it is presented at the Germanic people, a huge success. The flag with the swastika made its debut in 1920 and was once the pride of the dictator and his swastika collaboratori.La quickly ascended the towers of German cathedrals, and lined up on either side of the altar, is engraved ever faster in the heart of a people, becoming the symbol of his victories and his defeats.
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