Monday, December 1, 2008

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How to legally terminate the fee Rai
RAI - Italian Radio and Television is increasingly used as an instrument of power , in spite of any freedom and right to objective information. Like most of the press, the RAI is under strict control "forces" that control the Italian, and what you do not intend to speak only of political parties ... Are appropriately hidden or distorted information more uncomfortable, giving a vision of reality almost regularly distorted the purpose of thought control.
For every change of government, the first focus is always strictly directed to reshuffle the leadership of RAI, because that is where you control the information that comes to people, and from there you check the result that their opinions and their political orientations. Only 10% of the population is also informed by fact newspapers (including at least there is some rare free voice), so that the air, everything is under control, is in fact the sole owner of this information. In addition
insult to injury: the RAI is maintained through a monthly "subscription" required (usually subscriptions are free choice ...) established by decree of King Vittorio Emanuele III as far back as 1938, when fascism was a reality and was not very advisable to criticize things that are not only democratiche.Non, RAI takes money from the Italian State, namely the people's pockets once again. And as if this were not enough advertising revenue also wants carrrozzone! Basically it's like paying three times in exchange for an indecent disservice. A closer look to the Italian state is customary to charge the same things over again, just look at the health, pensions, bills double taxation (eg VAT on tax consumption). Few know, however, that the RAI has was 7% on the fees to pay for real tax (government concession tax). Few people know that for three years, RAI has not paid the tax, and therefore the citizens are obliged by law to subsidize a blatant tax evaders.
If at this point your liver is pretty swollen, let 'satisfaction, let's at least a bit' of justice:
CANCELS THE FEE! CERTAINLY NOT FAIL BUT NOT LEAST WE WILL HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO A SHAME INEFFICIENCIES That has little to do with the true culture is the freedom of information.
First, if you have not already purchased a subscription and
TV , never give your personal information to the seller, if not insist invoked the law of privacy or if you just tell him that the purchase then you do not care anymore. If you do not get to deliver the TV home, take it off in person or at least do give a friend who already pays any canone.Ignorate letter license plate RAI SAT, as threatening, especially if they are not recommended. Every now and then take the list of residents and sending letters to those who appears to have a subscription, they try because they know that many fall for it. Remember that your home is inviolable and that no one can claim to enter for any reason without a mandate (never seen a judge signed a warrant for such ridiculous things).
If you already paid the "subscribe" to not pay more than the rules of the King (...) are not practically changed, RDL No 246, February 21, 1938 provides for only two possibilities (things of this world
...): 1 - allegation of sale of
TV to third parties (which replace the so-called "subscription") 2 - sealed (sealing) of the whole TV!
1 - Assignment of the TV to third parties: In this case, simply fill out the postcard
D (B if it is recent) precompiled attached to the libretto of "subscription" in Part 1 specifying details of the new * possessor or holder, without an envelope and send it in Recommended return receipt requested by December 31. Better to do it at least a few weeks before because qualche caso hanno avuto il coraggio di contestare che è pervenuta dopo il termine.
* Possessore è il proprietario, detentore è chi usa l'apparecchio di fatto. Se il televisore è stato venduto andrà il nuovo proprietario, se il televisore è stato consegnato a terzi (ad esempio in prestito), chi lo riceve è il detentore, che deve ugualmente pagare il canone. Le leggi recenti sulla RAI fanno una confusione spaventosa di questi due termini appositamente per far rientrare nel canone qualsiasi ipotesi, anche ovviamente quest'ultima, in barba ad ogni buon senso.
2 - Suggellazione del televisore:E' il sistema più usato. Basta versare Euro 5,16 a mezzo Vaglia Postale Interno indirizzato a: S.A.T. - CASELLA POSTALE 22-10121 TORINOindicando the cause "television rights for closing costs, No role XXXXXXX" the number of role is specified in the user's subscription and payment of the bulletin board canone.Compilare the usual D (B if it is recent) attached to libretto by subscription in the second, indicating the number of Money, Money, and the date of the date, sign and make a copy, send in the postcard return receipt requested without an envelope, at least a few weeks before December 31. Keep the receipt of the recommendation is fotocopia.Quando receive the card back, sent in registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt of subscription book, taking care to remove the receipts of the payments you have paid rai in the last 10 to 15 minutes total anni.Tempo!
If you do not have the owner's membership is possible, after the usual postal order, send a letter this time in a sealed envelope return receipt requested, to the usual address: SAT - PO BOX 22 to 10121 TORINOcon the following text: Dear
. SAT - PO Box 22 - 10121 Turin
The undersigned requests the termination of the TV fee, and calls to seal the TV (No. of Role ..................... .....) Color held at the home. To this end it has paid the amount of 5.16 euros by postal order No. ....................... ....../......./20 of ...... on which indicated the number of role of the subscription. It also declares to be no longer in possession of the book and subscription requests in accordance with Art. 2 and 8 of L. 241/1990 administrative procedure which will follow the SAT for the completion of the provisions of art. 10 of Royal Decree 246, 21/02/1938.
Surname ................................................ ........... Name ................................................. .......... Via
................................................ ..... City ................................................. .... Postcode .............
Date .....................................
Signature .....................................
It 's easier than it may seem and you will see will be very difficult to seal the televisore.Se also were not allowed to enter without a warrant and if you are good, let him do the operation out into the street if necessary. In a second step, the sealed can of course be removed upon written request, and of course, shared by the canon. The operation to seal provided for by law is incredible staff of the Guardia di Finanza should be (without necessarily going into the house) to enclose the infamous television in a jute bag properly sealed. In reality this is no longer in our poor state it is however necessary to let TV sets in homes remain well-lit, well to control for the information of its subjects.
not ask to seal the RAI channels only! Someone in good faith added this sentence in the postcard or by letter D, with the result that the SAT has NOTHING considered the request, proceeding with the requests of payments + payments + interest ... We know that this would at least makes sense in democracy, since no one has asked the RAI to issue its order in our homes. Unfortunately for the law just the mere possession or possession of any television (even if the RAI in your area do not receive, even if the TV was dead!) To bring forth the obligation of the fee imposed, up to the foreclosure.
RAI ADMITS: Cancellations 253,426 IN 1997! The campaign
anti-RAI is having its effect: for the first time in 43 years, the balance of new-subscriber cancellations in 1997 was negative for a total loss of 45,000 "subscribers", caused by as many as 253,426 cancellation fee and received the looks a bit '... almost all the Padania! meditate, and disclose it to defend our right to information! IN BRIEF

As correctly terminate the license fee
1. Anyone wishing to cancel must first make sure you have paid the full fee for the current year and have no other slopes with the SAT. (ATM Pay TV, until two years ago was named Urara tv).
2. It 'must have the owner's membership, per cui, chi non lo ha, deve farne richiesta con raccomandata ricevuta di ritorno all’ente suddetto, specificando il nominativo del titolare richiedente, l’indirizzo e il numero di ruolo dell’abbonamento che troverete sui bollettini prestampati che. vi inviano a casa per il pagamento. (conservate una fotocopia della lettera che invierete al S.A.T.)
3. Versare 5,16 euro con vaglia postale (IMPORTANTE: IL VAGLIA NON E’ IL BOLLETTINO ORDINARIO), specificando nella causale del versamento “per disdetta canone numero di ruolo: scrivete il vostro numero di ruolo”. Beneficiario del versamento è il S.A.T., casella postale 22, 10121 TORINO. L'agenzia di pagamento è: TORINO VAGLIA E RISPARMI (non sempre specification requires that the money order).
4. Remove the card from the booklet "d", (the "b" if your book and 'recent) entitled "declaration of closure of the subscription television."
Tick the box 2 which contains the request for sealing. Then fill in the blanks bringing the number of money orders and the date of payment.
Below, find the space for the date of shipment of the card, return it and your signature.
On the back of the card name return name and address of the holder to be terminated. Also corrects the old address Urara TV SAT.
Make a photocopy of the card (front and back). The original the postcard is sent without bagging by registered return receipt to the address already printed.
5.When receive the card back, (but do not wait beyond 31 December) sent by registered return receipt of the subscription book, taking care to remove the receipts of the payments you have paid for YouTube in the last 10 years.
whole procedure must be done no later than December 31 of this year.
I remind you that the address to which you have recommended and forward ': 1,
office revenue TorinoS.AT ATM Subscriptions postal TvCasella 2210121 Torino
For information about canceling the fee, call the following numero02/66 234 259il giovedìdalle Tuesdays and 14:00 to 17:30

Sunday, November 30, 2008

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Meanwhile the ducetto Arcore continues to dabble in the improvised comedy shamelessly do it full time, even in the international market, making childish "cuckoo" to Merkel, it was interesting to listen to the nth tone servile used by TG2, where Augusto Fantozzi, appointed by their ducetto Arcore, Special Commissioner for Alitalia, admits in an interview: "We lose two million al giorno, forse era meglio Air France". No, non ditemi che aveva ragione Prodi pure questa volta? Non ditemi che Prodi aveva visto giusto anche per quanto riguarda la delicata questione Alitalia? Non ditemi che il Berlusca ha utilizzato pure il problema "Alitalia" allo squallido scopo di elemosinare voti durante la scorsa campagna elettorale?Una cosa è ormai assodata,ossia che Romano Prodi verrà sicuramente rimpianto se non altro anche per la serietà al governo ed in campo internazionale, al contrario dell’attuale improcessabile premier P2ista ,soggetto assai pericoloso per il presente e prossimo futuro democratico di questo Paese,lo testimoniano i fatti inquietanti che quotidianamente evidenziano microscopicamente una succube classe dirigente power, orchestrated at the mercy dell'indiscusso their master and owner of the card n.1816 Masonic

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taxation of Extraordinary ..... Nth BUFFALO

The proposal of Prime Minister Berlusconi, however, is not new: 24 May 2007, Senator Luigi Maninetti (wing Swiss People's Party, former House of Freedoms) communicate the bill: "Measures for tax exemption and the de-contribution income from overtime."
In the statement of the design di legge vengono indicati i motivi alla base di un’eventuale detassazione degli straordinari: “Il presente disegno di legge...ha l’obiettivo di favorire, tramite la defiscalizzazione e la decontribuzione dei redditi derivanti dal lavoro straordinario, la produttività del lavoro, la flessibilità organizzativa e, in generale, il rilancio della competitività dell’impresa italiana.” Oltre a favorire la produttività del lavoro, la flessibilità organizzativa e il rilancio della competitività dell’impresa, la detassazione degli straordinari rappresenterebbe, inoltre, “un importante strumento...per aumentare il potere d’acquisto delle retribuzioni”.
La detassazione degli extraordinary seems to be the panacea of \u200b\u200ball evil Italians. However, this does not correspond to reality. The taxation of overtime would be difficult to solve the problem of the decline of the Italian industrial production in recent years: a vision of this fact is linked to an outdated approach that bases economic competitiveness of the industrial system sull'abbattimento costs, and, in particular, sull'abbattimento labor costs. With globalization and the emergence of countries like China and India on domestic and international markets, the reduction of labor costs can not and must not be regarded as a competitive lever adoptable and effective system industry of a country like Italy. To think that the taxation of overtime to help the Italian companies to be more competitive is pure electioneering. The structural problems of the Italian industrial system can be solved by focusing only on product quality and technological innovation, elements where there is huge potential in Italy. This potential was only marginally supported the Prodi government in the past (and especially the reforms of the Minister Bersani).
The tax exemption incentives only the amount of overtime work and the quality of work. For obvious reasons, overtime hours are also the marginal productivity below: dopo le otto ore giornaliere, le ore di straordinario sono quelle in cui il lavoratore è più stanco e quindi meno produttivo.
Un'altra falsità, tipicamente elettorale, è quella che la detassazione degli straordinari sia il metodo migliore per aumentare il potere di acquisto delle retribuzioni. Il problema tutto italiano delle retribuzioni da lavoro dipendente si basa infatti su un mancato aumento salariale (di base e non straordinario) subito dal lavoratore dipendente negli ultimi 10 anni, e dagli aumenti dei prezzi di alcuni beni primari, successivi all’introduzione dell’euro. Sarebbe meglio, a mio avviso, riportare i salari da lavoro dipendente ad un livello accettabile attraverso una reale ed efficace contrattazione a livello national.
As an additional measure, if you really want to reward quality and competitiveness, the best way would be to introduce a wage system moving up (a decent minimum wage contract must still be guaranteed) that rewards the quality of work, his skills and his technical skills. An example would be to divide a share of the dividends of companies employed more deserving. An example of this type would not require any cost to the community. An enormous cost to the community is scheduled for the taxation of overtime: "The effort to tax relief announced by Berlusconi on overtime and the thirteenth is close to ten billion, calculating overtime in a very conservative (starting from 80 hours per year recorded in the engineering sector). "(see Il Sole 24 Ore," generous pledges and covers improvised "by Alberto Orioli, February 15, 2008).
Finally it seems important to note that while the taxation of overtime can be an effective method to stabilize the overtime in black, a policy like this might actually discourage the hiring of new workers, thus becoming a disincentive to employment: if, for example, a company of 10-15 employees, each decided to make an average of one hour daily in the most extraordinary, and if this happened with a system of taxation of overtime, the company would have no incentive to hire a new employee (10-15 hours of overtime per day are expected from a production point of view, to 8 hours of regular work, with the difference that the 10-15 hours of overtime, with the tax exemption would cost much less than the corresponding 8 hours of regular work and discourage the recruitment of a new employee). In this case it would be better reducing taxes new recruits?!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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America has chosen Barack Obama, a young man of 47 years, African American, unknown up to 4 years ago, to guide you along a new road in a period between the more 'difficult history.
"Good evening Chicago! If there are still people out there who doubts that America is the place where everything is possible, still wonders if the dream of our father is still alive today, still questions the power of our democracy, the answer here tonight. And 'the answer I gave the file in front of schools and churches, never so long in the history of this country, done by people who waited three hours, four hours , many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time could be different, and that their voice could be that difference. It 's the answer given by young and old, rich and poor, Democrats and Republicans, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, Native American, gay, straight, disabled or not disabled. Americans, who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.
We are, and always will be, the United States of America. "

Sunday, October 19, 2008

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the fasces RESULT OF ... THE RESULT OF

The oldest fasces was found at Vetulonia and dates, most likely, al secolo VIII-VII; si tratta quindi di un ritrovamento di epoca preromana. La sua struttura (scure bipenne inserita tra dodici verghe) e la sua composizione (ferro) rivelano stretti legami esistenti fra le tradizioni nordiche e chi fu l'artefice di tale sacro oggetto. La scure bipenne, in stretta connessione col significato del culto di Janus, dio romano delle origini, è uno dei simboli più antichi della sovranità regale.La dualità simmetrica dei due tagli rappresenta l'integrazione creatrice delle polarità opposte. Tale incontro avviene in un punto dell'asse che è il centro immobile, il punto di passaggio tra futuro e passato, il terzo volto di Janus, il sacro che genera. I tagli dell'ascia rappresentano esattamente "il simbolismo del fulmine", espresso dalle tradizioni nordiche con le rune e la cui composizione forniva lo schema rappresentativo con cui si indicava il sacro Mjölnir, il martello del dio Thor. La folgore ha significato simbolico doppio: da una parte illumina, squarcia le tenebre, dall'altro distrugge, incendia. Poiché spesso, nell'antichità, l'uso della folgore era prerogativa del dio supremo, questa è considerabile come verità che può essere intuita in forma istantanea solo da chi è capace di resistere alla prova del fuoco incenerendo tutto quello che di sé è mortale, raggiungendo, così, una condizione di supervita. Il tracciato stesso della saetta spiega questo processo: una prima fase rappresenta la discesa del fuoco divino sulla terra, la seconda fase è la trasmutazione che fa dell'uomo che ha saputo intuire l'insegnamento un essere simile ad un dio, la terza fase è ancora una discesa, un ritorno di colui che, libero dai vincoli corporei, torna alla terra per riaprire il ciclo. Secondo alcune tradizioni la destra è l'attributo divino della misericordia, la sinistra è la giustizia. Presso gli arabi tali attributi sono la maestà (volto maschile) e la bellezza (volto femminile). Ma presso gli indù la misericordia è prerogativa dei sacerdoti (Brahamana) che possiedono la chiave dei misteri, mentre la giustizia è un guerriero (Kshatrya) che ha diritto di vita e di morte sui sudditi: diritto che egli esercita per mezzo della verga (Scepter of power). Here then is that contemplative way (priestly) and so on (warrior) merge into the center from which they draw the very reason for their existence (the traditional axis, the royal crown only sign of power and total). The twelve rods that "crown" the ax ax are the zodiacal cycle, with its mid-ascending and descending, which originate and end in the summer and winter solstices, are infinite and the representation of the totality of the tradition of the radiant . The zodiac signs are at once the degrees of power and knowledge that goes dall'inqualificazione original, from the night before the day (winter solstice, Black), through the creative breath della luce (equinozio di primavera, colore bianco), fino all'acme espansivo del mezzogiorno in cui la luce tutto pervade.

Il fascismo creò dei punti di contatto tra l'antica Roma e il regime di Mussolini. La potenza, la forza, i trionfi della Roma imperiale vennero interpretati come degni anticipatori della gloria e della potenza fascista, infatti il fascismo si propose come il naturale discendente della Roma antica. Mussolini infatti si faceva chiamare Duce, che nell'antica Roma era il generale, il capo militare valoroso e trionfante in battaglia amato ed apprezzato dai soldati che lo seguivano ubbidienti. Mussolini infatti veniva described by the propaganda with the same qualities of Roman generals and fascists when they met they saluted, raising his right arm up in the same way the soldiers greeted their heads in ancient Rome. The fasces was the symbol of fascism and also comes from ancient Rome and then was a symbol of authority was in fact the symbol of the power of magistrates and was introduced by the Etruscans during the late monarchy, but in fact the beam was a traditional symbol of Aryan , derived from the symbol of the hammer Tohr, the god of thunder in Norse mythology, and even then only spread by the Etruscans in the form in which it is conosce.Il beam consists of a set of elm or birch rods tied together with red ribbons, which represented the power of the consuls (ie the most important magistrates in ancient Rome) to punish with rods and to exercise the "ius necis" ie the right to give death the guilty, side or top to rods, was inserted into a dark age in which the Republican was removed when it was within the city, the beam was brought by lictors during public holidays, most of the officers who were escorting the Roman authorities and that is why it is called Fascist, the beam was crowned with laurel at the triumphs and led instead toppled during severe grief. The number of fasces preceded the judge indicates that the grade: they were more numerous and the higher the degree of the judges themselves: kings and magistrates available to twelve, from Diocletian onwards became the clock, the Judges and Magistrates Equituum Rank Praetorian were preceded by six fasces, the Quaestors five and 42a.C. onwards, they were also equipped with the Vestal Virgins and widows imperial. The Magistrates infer their bow in front of the upper beams (fasces suffer.) Inspired by the Roman tradition, the beam symbolizes both the unity of the people or the authority possessed by the people themselves and in modern times, became a symbol of many political movements . The beam was adopted as a political symbol of the French revolutionaries to symbolize the new republican power: then, the ax was replaced from pike, and the beam was topped with a Phrygian cap. During the Renaissance, many secret societies, especially in the Masonic inspiration, inspired by the fasces, which had always been considered a symbol of unity and freedom. In the second half of the nineteenth century until the First World War, the fasces contin8uò to be used by the forces of the left, as the cohort of workers, proletarian organizations of Sicilian peasants, tow Revolutionary Action etc.With the establishment of a Parliamentary Beam National Defense, after the defeat of Kobarid, the term beam began to be linked to the need for national unity above the interests of the parties. As such, but accompanied to revolutionary demands, the emblem was accepted by Roman B. Mussolini, becoming the symbol of the tow Fighting, and later the National Fascist Party, Mussolini founded the Fasci fact of combat and called the "beam" his newspaper, in that year had few votes in elections and then the name Beam Fascism was, in principle, even if Mussolini had chosen the name Beam in memory of his revolutionary origins, the widely used as a symbol of grandeur and imperial Rome to the point that the fasces became the official symbol of the PNF Even the word "Littorio" was widely used in the fascist period, so much that had become synonymous with Fascist Fascist, for example Fascist youth was also named "Youth of the Littorio. Littorio was the style that the architectural style fascist Littoria (now Latina) was called the "capital city", built in the reclaimed area of \u200b\u200bthe Pontine Marshes; Littoral races were also cultural, artistic and sporting activities for the university and its winners were lictors . In short, the fasces for decades influenced the lives of Italians of the nineteenth century through the propaganda of Mussolini.

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Swastika ....

The "swastika", from Sanskrit that means "bringer of health," is simply a swastika. It is in a cross with arms of equal length, which are an extension folded at a right angle.

The Swastika and the Peoples

The swastika is a symbol universally known and very old, has vanished in Asia, Mongolia, India and centrale.In effects even in America, the swastika makes its appearance in many cultures of the ancient and the new world, knew the Celts, the ancient Greeks, Etruscans, Egyptians, Mesopotamia and Elam Aztechi.Presso (in prehistoric times), Babylon and the Indus Valley to the preariana culture of Mohenjo-dara (2000 BC), the swastika was seen as a religious symbol for luck and surrounded by an immense aura magica.In India, for example, was joined by the religious significance to astronomical symbolism: with the hooks facing right emblem of the Sun, while in the sense of wrath opposto.In Middle East, at Mycenae in Greece and swastikas were found on statues of women, and around to Artemis, the lady of life, so as to suggest a meaning of life and fertility. The arms of the cross facing the inside allude to a direction of movement in the sense motion. For its wheel shape might suggest the return of the seasons that make up the solar year. It can also turn left or right depending on the folds of his uncini.Nell 'remote China, wan-tsu, is seen as a symbol of the fourfold orientation following points cardinali.Dal 700 AD onwards assumed the significance of the number of ten thousand or so 'infinito.Nell' area indobuddista the swastika was seen as a seal and is often found engraved on the heart of Buddha, in Tibet, moreover, has the value of luck and talismano.Nella Indian religion of Jainism the four arms of this cross represent the planes of existence: the world of the gods, man's world, animal world, world infero.La swastika is also known as "CRUX RANGE" as its hooks reminiscent of the quadrupling della lettera G (gamma) dell’alfabeto greco.Nell’area meridionale i “ganci” sono occasionalmente rivolti verso l’interno o spezzati; in quella germanica invece il martello di Thor e raffigurato sotto la forma di croce gammata.La svastica, se pur con più difficoltà , si rintraccia anche nella culture dell’America precolombiana.Tutt’oggi non è possibile affermare con certezza dove, e per opera di quale popolo, sia comparsa la svastica per la prima volta.Alcune ipotesi la fanno risalire ai Babilonesi, altre collocano la sua nascita ancor prima.Quello che appare certo è che la croce gammata non fu mai tanto famosa quanto lo fu come stemma politico.

The swastika as a symbol for political

Its importance can be traced back romantic exaltation of Germanism that appeared at the turn of the century. First, in 1910, was taken as a sign of Aryan by various groups antisemiti.Poi the "swastika" dextrorotatory appeared in 1919 as the heraldic symbol of the Thule-Geselschaft and, according to Baron Von Glauer Sebottendorff (founder of the Thule), indicated the ascending path of the sun from winter solstice to the summer. In 1919, Friedrich Krohn, a member of Thule, had proposed a cross gammata sinistrogira but the idea received successo.Alla end, the swastika was adopted by Hitler as a symbol before the Nazi Party, and later, from 1933 to 1945, placed under the imperial eagle was the emblem of the Third Reich.La swastika with arms bent to the left is due wrongful conviction and Indo-European Aryan origin of the symbol.

The Swastika of Hitler

Hitler chose the swastika as a symbol before the Nazi Party and then the Third Reich, because he was aware of its ancient origins and was fascinated by ' the aura of mystery and magic that Hitler circondavano.Probabilmente met for the first time the ancient symbol when he was a child and lived in Austria. In the small village of Lambach, where Hitler lived, the swastikas were printed at the portals of the monastery and the cross gammata also returned in the arms of Abbot Hang.La prolonged personal vision of the swastika had a child, it certainly was not the only reason Hitler that led to its adoption as an emblem of the "Nation."
The dictator was a scholar and had esoteric knowledge, this led him to believe that the Aryans were superior as demigods, and to think that his people must at all costs to regain its lost superiority. His ideas led him also to see the Jews enemies as people who did not use the swastika, which had inherited the Aryans who had spread the cult everywhere. "The swastika was the Sun and the Jews were devoted to the moon, the symbol and therefore enemies of the Aryans." Esotericism was studied by Hitler with the aim of developing a society "mystical-political" and an example of this care you may have observed the official colors of the Nazi flag, black, red and white colors sacred alchemy. But National Socialism was tied to the esoteric mysticism, the great use of symbols, with the swastika as its emblem the main, is the conferma.Come himself put it, Hitler, the swastika, it is presented at the Germanic people, a huge success. The flag with the swastika made its debut in 1920 and was once the pride of the dictator and his swastika collaboratori.La quickly ascended the towers of German cathedrals, and lined up on either side of the altar, is engraved ever faster in the heart of a people, becoming the symbol of his victories and his defeats.

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A modest collection of pearls of wisdom of great philosophers and thinkers godless. This movie does not want to summarize in any way the ateosofia and the immensity of thought unbeliever. To fully express the many facets of culture (or rather of otherness culturale) atea non basterebbero migliaia di libri (infatti sull'argomento sono stati scritti molte migliaia di libri). Questo filmato vuole solo essere un tributo ai gradi uomini che hanno fatto ciò che è giusto e morale senza richiedere una ricompensa ultraterrena né prostituendosi alla volontà di un Dio. Forza della ragione. E si ricordi come praticamente tutti questi eroi siano stati perseguitati o martirizzati dai religiosi bigotti.Preciso che Voltaire non fu propriamente un ateo ma un deista, nondimeno fu uno dei padri della miscredenza.

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Il muscolo del cuore ha una forza tale da sparare il sangue 10 meters in height.

Elephants are the only animals that can not jump.

Statistically, people fear spiders more than death

All polar bears are left handed

Crocodiles not can pull out his tongue

A cockroach can live nine days without it's head and die just because he can not eat.

A duck produces no echo and nobody knows why

Each King on playing cards represent a King in storiaFiori: King David. Clubs: Alexander the Grande.Cuori: Carlomagno.Quadri: Giulio Cesare.

It 's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

Multiplying 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

In a statua equestre con soldato se il cavallo ha due zampe sollevate, significa che il soldato è morto in combattimento.Se il cavallo ha una zampa sollevata, il soldato è morto in seguito a ferite.Se il cavallo ha le 4 zampe posate il soldato è morto per cause naturali.

Le zanzare hanno i denti

Thomas Edison aveva paura del buio.

La parole cimitero deriva dal greco koimetirion che significa dormitorio

Nell’antica Inghilterra people could not have sex without the consent of Re.Quando wanted to have a child had to ask, permission to the monarchy came so they provided a plaque to hang on the door during their relationship sessuali.La plaque saying ... "Fornication Under Consent of the King "(FUCK). This is the origin of the word.

When the English settlers landed in Australia, noticed a strange animal that jumped extremely high and far. They asked the aboriginal people using sign language, ask them about this animal. They responded with''Kan Ghu Ru''da which the English word kangaroo. What they Aborigines said was, 'Do not capiamo' --->''Kan Ghu Ru''.

It 's impossible to suck your elbow.

During historic civil wars, when troops returned without any casualties, was put up so all can see "0 Killed". (Zero deaths) From here the expression "OK" which means all is well.

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I took the call in question: I have tried other studies on this "dangerous drink." Thanks to Google I have found, for example, what appears to be the original version in English of the appeal, and the survey and analysis conducted by the broadcaster CBC in Canada and the investigation of antibufala, which show that the appeal was in 2000 and that his main accusations are completely fasulle.Per example, "glucuronolactone (which in Italian is called proper glucuronolactone) and are in the Red Bull, but is not a hazardous chemical developed by the Department of Defense in the sixties of last century as a hallucinogen for its troops in Vietnam. It 'a carbohydrate, a type of sugar found naturally in the human body and in foods such as wheat and wine rosso.Va said that a can of Red Bull contains 600 mg of glucuronolactone, believed to be 250 times the normal daily dose, but known as, or the archive of the British Medical Journal nor the site of the Food and Drug Administration, the authority which regulates any substance present in food and drugs in the U.S., include information that may suggest the danger in these high doses (and usually the FDA there is heavy). The appeal contains even dangerous advice : that of having to make physical activity after drinking Red Bull, otherwise the 'withering attack. " In fact, the caffeine content of Red Bull (equal to a cup of coffee, three times that a can of Coca-Cola) and sugar (about 5 teaspoons per 250 ml can) make a drink not suitable in case of intense physical activity. Not only Red Bull is not the body replenishes the substances lost during exercise, as do, however, the so-called "sports drinks", but contains so much caffeine can cause dehydration, which in turn puts strain on the site cuore.Il Red Bull itself, among other things, recommended in the FAQ to drink the drink "before demanding athletic activities," but also warns that "there has been formulated to provide hydration," and then calls "who engages in sports Drinking too much water during intense exercise. "The appeal also states that Red Bull contains unspecified "components that dilute the blood," but does not say what, and that none of the ingredients of the drink has this effect. Even the news that France and Denmark have banned the drink because of the combination of its "components of vitamin" is a half-glucuronolactone joined the buffalo: the prohibition of marketing exist, but because of concerns about its high caffeine content and doubts about the effect of the combination of caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone, another ingredient Red Bull, which despite its name is not removed (as it wants an urban legend) from the testes of bulls but is produced synthetically and is an ingredient of infant formula for neonati.Questo not mean that you can be casual use of these soft drinks containing high doses of stimulants: apart from the ingestion of large amounts of sugar (goodbye to the line) if you do not use version "sugar free" and of caffeine (dehydrating), any combination of drinks like Red Bull with alcohol may give a false sense of sobriety very dangerous, according to a study conducted in Brazil by psychology professor Maria Lucia Souza-Formigoni of the University of Sao Paulo and cited by the BBC. Who is drunk and not be aware of risks to drive or perform other actions challenging without realizing that their ability to react and evaluation are alterate.Siamo in short, the usual: the call plays on our fears of substances from the names on the myth of the mysterious and sadistic ease with which large companies shove poisons in food without noticing that the authorities, and is even counterproductive in the end, spreading misinformation and raising a cloud of dust which prevents discussion of the risks specifically related to the use of these senseless drinks.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

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Confessions of Gaetano Vassallo, the boss who for two decades has hidden toxic waste in Campania pay politicians and officials: a shocking account of the devastation of a region. Twenty years of easy money that consolidated the power dei casalesi, diventati praticamente i monopolisti di questo business sporco e redditizio . Ferraro dell'Udeur? In ottimi rapporti con noi
"Nicola Ferraro prelevava anche i rifiuti speciali delle officine meccaniche. Anzi fingeva di prelevare i rifiuti ma in realtà faceva delle false certificazioni e venivano smaltiti illegalmente". È uno dei capitoli più scottanti delle rivelazioni di Domenico Bidognetti, cugino 'pentito' del padrino Francesco. Parla di Nicola Ferraro, leader casertano dell'Udeur molto legato a Clemente Mastella: è consigliere regionale e uomo chiave della maggioranza di Antonio Bassolino. Ferraro è stato arrestato nella retata che a gennaio azzerò il partito, ma ora viene chiamato in causa per frequentazioni più pericolose: "Era un imprenditore molto vicino al clan dei casalesi. Prima era più vicino alla famiglia Schiavone, poi deve essersi avvicinato a Antonio Iovine". Ossia al capo latitante più potente. Racconta Bidognetti: "Nel '98 chiesi anche la somma che proveniva dal Villaggio Coppola, ma il tramite mi disse che lì operava Nicola Ferraro con un'altra società, anche lui entrato nel giro dei rifiuti e poi nella politica". E ancora: "Rappresento di averlo contattato telefonicamente nella latitanza nel '98-99. Gli chiesi una tangente per la disinfestazione a Castel Volturno. Mi fece capire che aveva già pagato nelle mani di Antonio Iovine. Io parlai Michele Zagaria then, always on the phone, and he confirmed that he had received 50 million. "Finally, he concludes:" In another sign of good relations between Ferrari and the clan, a year ago Cicciariello (Francesco Schiavone, a cousin of the same name Sandokan) I said he wanted to send word to Ferraro to intercede with his' pops' justice minister, to withdraw, a little 'time, the 41 bis apply to us Casale. I do not know if he Cicciariello implements this purpose. "

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

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Orson Welles, with a radio, convinced thousands of Americans in a few hours of the fact that the aliens had invaded Texas.
What do you think that can happen to a people bombarded for decades by the media, managed by a Pidduista who instigate idiocy with reality shows and entertainment by two pennies?


Ghastly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Tuesday, September 9, 2008

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Maybe it 's just a big illusion, perhaps the mere thought of it makes it lighter, maybe it's just that I think too much ... but ... see in writing that I am a free man makes me happy for some attimo.Sulla my card identity is written that you are free ... I know it only means that they are not married (and we would have to say on this too) But Free is a free word importante.Esseri mica is such a thing .. . Freedom is something importanteprendendola lightly then becomes an empty and meaningless words like "democracy." Once democracy was an illusion desired by all nations is now a common product that is exported as the c. .. c. .. (soda is also used oxidized to unscrew bolts). Freedom of opinion, for example ... they are free to have my opinions but in the meantime I have an opinion problemi.Per should have access to accurate information and then process it with my sensibilità.Per example, before going to vote for all candidates should know and learn something of their lives, what are their priorities, how they intend to act in certain things and so on ... but the system tells me I have the right to vote for whoever they want ... and shut up! Fortunately, that freedom of thought can not touch me, and some mental vaffa me I can give.

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Gandhi was born in Porpandar, India, in 1869. From 1893 until 1914 he lived in South Africa, where he fought for civil rights of the Indian community, experiencing those non-violent methods that would be in the shaft-made famous in the world. Back in India, launched the mass campaign of civil disobedience against the British authorities who, after over twenty-five years, brought the country to independence. The Mahatma (great soul) died in 1948, the victim of a Hindu fanatic.
MESSAGE Gandhi April 2nd, 1947

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Mahatma Gandhi "rubbish" DI NAPOLI

After months of victory heralded by the Prime Minister we have seen that is not from Naples' garbage gone, but reporters and cameramen who have stopped obedient to resume emergency ......
SHAME !!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, September 6, 2008

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Charlie Chaplin

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin Jr. (London, April 16, 1889 - Corsier-sur-Vevey, 25 December 1977) was an actor, British film director and screenwriter.
Writer, composer, film producer of more than ninety films, was one of the most important directors in film history (in particular the era of silent film) and probably the most famous actor in the dawn of Hollywood. In general, can be considered one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century.
The character around which a large part of his screenplays, and that gave him worldwide fame, was one of the "vagabond" ("The Tramp" in English, "Charlot" in Italian, French and English): a man of refined manners and the dignity of a gentleman, dressed in a tight jacket, trousers and shoes, the largest of its size, a bowler hat and a cane, bamboo, typical the character also had the mustache and waddling gait. The emotional and sentimental melancholy disenchantment in the face of cruelty and injustice of modern society, Charlot made the emblem of human alienation, especially of marginalized social classes.

Speech Humanity

"I dedicate this video, and the speech of Charlie Chaplin in it, all those people who wash the mouth with the word progress, bringing humanity to 800.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

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Sigmund Freud, German philosopher, is known today mainly for psychoanalysis . Jew, was persecuted by the Nazis, who burned his lyrics along with those of Albert Einstein. He died in 1939. Freud as a philosopher we can define a medical psychologist, who has studied the mechanisms of the human mind, giving a scientific interpretation of sex and discovering and theorizing "the unconscious" (in the past by Gorgias understood and analyzed in part by Galen). The unconscious is the irrational part of the psyche, for Catholics and the Enlightenment does not exist, because the first instincts and exist only for the latter exists only reason.
The human psyche is divided into three parts: They, which has resulted from the social environment in which one is born or a genetic inheritance, the ego, which is governed by the relationship we have with reality, the superego , the noblest part of our psyche that are formed on the basis of consciousness, models and ideals of a person.