Nel Bollettino ufficiale della Regione Umbria sono pubblicati i seguenti avvisi e bandi di concorso. Regione Umbria - Giunta Regionale: - bando di concorso pubblico per esami per l'ammissione al corso, a tempo pieno, di formazione specifica in medicina generale della Regione Umbria triennio 2011/2014. Azienda ospedaliera Perugia: - pubblico concorso, per titoli ed esami, per la copertura a tempo indeterminato di n. 2 posti di collaboratore professionale sanitario fisioterapista cat. ''D''. Azienda ospedaliera ''Santa Maria'' Terni: - concorso pubblico, per titoli ed esami, per la copertura di n. 3 posti dirigente medico disciplina pediatria per la S.C. di neonatologia - T.I.N. (Cod. proc. giur. 03/11). Unita' sanitaria locale No 4 Terni - Public notice of selection. Reclamation Umbrian Spoleto: - Notice of selection for the cover of No A place for an indefinite period of''worker''Common (area D, the current parameter 100 CCNL). - Notice of selection for the cover of No 2 places a time limit of''craftsman''(Area C, parameter 118 of the Negotiable force).
Monday, March 14, 2011
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San Vincenzo Terni: Antonella Catanzani nuovo presidente
Association San Vincenzo de 'Paoli, at the annual diocesan meeting that was held Sunday, March 13 at Villa Holy Spirit, has been responsible for the renewal of elective office. the presidency, was elected diocesan Antonella Catanzani , Vice President Daniel Eramo, secretary Monica Crooks, treasurer Gildo Ranalli. Were appointed members of the Bureau: Giancarlo Felicetti, Help, Nicholas, Gianna Campisi, Alessandra Rossi, Roberto Reale. The St. Vincent de Paul is an 'association conferences in the diocese has 14 parishes and one that manages the Counselling Centre is open daily at the headquarters in Via aminal 45 in Terni, which assists the poor in the diocesan territory where has not established a conference. The report of the outgoing president Giancarlo Felicetti revealed a worrying picture for the growing poverty and almost 2675 people assisted by the Italian half. "We are facing a difficult situation, with poverty increasing in the number and diversity of shapes and parties involved, to which we can not always provide adequate response - said the outgoing president Felicetti -. There are many young families who have found themselves in a short time without an income because of layoffs and layoffs that are struggling to live in dignity and seeking help for both food and for the payment of utility bills. "A crisis that worries the Vincentians themselves for the increasing difficulties in raising funds and assets necessary to help those in need.
"That of San Vincenzo is first of all, a spirit of participation - said the president-elect Antonio Catanzani -: the desire not to retain the wealth without making good use, to serve the common good and, above all, the service of our neighbor to the poor. This spirit of participation is expressed in at least the willingness to actually share anything but above all time, availability, comfort and closeness. "" It 's necessary for the St. Vincent, at this particular time, also find his spirituality - adds Catanzani - just because in the Vincentian charism is a life style and attention to another neighborhood, not just give a goods and services. The St. Vincent can not replace the activity of some other institutions' fugitives, however, without betraying its commitment to welfare. We would like to come back to be a major confrontation, dialogue and practical support by administrators to groups of people in need that should be heeded. "
Association San Vincenzo de 'Paoli, at the annual diocesan meeting that was held Sunday, March 13 at Villa Holy Spirit, has been responsible for the renewal of elective office. the presidency, was elected diocesan Antonella Catanzani , Vice President Daniel Eramo, secretary Monica Crooks, treasurer Gildo Ranalli. Were appointed members of the Bureau: Giancarlo Felicetti, Help, Nicholas, Gianna Campisi, Alessandra Rossi, Roberto Reale. The St. Vincent de Paul is an 'association conferences in the diocese has 14 parishes and one that manages the Counselling Centre is open daily at the headquarters in Via aminal 45 in Terni, which assists the poor in the diocesan territory where has not established a conference. The report of the outgoing president Giancarlo Felicetti revealed a worrying picture for the growing poverty and almost 2675 people assisted by the Italian half. "We are facing a difficult situation, with poverty increasing in the number and diversity of shapes and parties involved, to which we can not always provide adequate response - said the outgoing president Felicetti -. There are many young families who have found themselves in a short time without an income because of layoffs and layoffs that are struggling to live in dignity and seeking help for both food and for the payment of utility bills. "A crisis that worries the Vincentians themselves for the increasing difficulties in raising funds and assets necessary to help those in need.
Antonella Catanzani |
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Coinvolti in una rissa, lavoratori del circo. Quattro arrestati
are all employees of the circus that is located in the city these days in four individuals, one woman and three men, arrested last night by Flying Squad. For one of them, a Colombian citizen of 24 years was even required hospitalization, has reported fractures to the face and will for at least 40 days. The other three, a Romanian national aged 23, a fellow countryman of 20 Colombian and 24 got away with some bruises to the face and hands. A patrol of the steering wheel, which passed by Campofregoso, at 2:45 last night, surprised them and if they gave a thrashing in the middle of the road, beside a white van put across. The officers intervened immediately, putting an end to the fight immediately, and after entrusting the wounded to 118, have collected the testimonies of the participants is that of those who attended. All were agreed that the fight had resulted for petty reasons , probably because of these jokes in a language unknown to others in the group, in fact the two Colombians speak only English, while others in addition to Romanian also speak Italian, all amplified by the huge amount of alcohol ingested. All were arrested for fighting in the late morning today and will be judged for summary.
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The area impounded |
The Fellowship of the Guardia di Finanza of Terni has seized in recent days an area of \u200b\u200b800 square meters located in the district used Terni in illegal dump, in the large plot of land have been found about 80 vehicles in very poor conditions of some free plate, trailer trucks, a trailer, about a hundred used tires, engine parts stacked, partially disassembled engine and even the refrigerator is also a disused. The identification of the area, took place in the ordinary course of control of the territory, which are taken from the outdoor unit of the Guardia di Finanza of Pratica di Mare (RM) by overflying the territory of the province, whose purpose is to verify the 'there are bad sites to the integrity of the environment but can also be made to ensure settlements abitatitivi of interest for tax purposes such as for example villas with swimming pool not stacked or plantations still suspicious as cannabis or the like.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
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Volley: la Terni Henkel strappazza la Gherardi e svetta in classifica
drag Sergio Sabatini to win the New Terni Henkel. Training coached by Matthew Moroni, in fact, defeated Gherardi Cartoedit for 0 to 3. The race showed a significant technical difference between the two teams that have moved from the inertia of the sextet Terni who never allowed their opponents to get into the game. To underline the excellent performance of Sergio Sabatini scored 15 points, playing with constant precision over the front of attack. Thanks to this success and the fact that the Italchimici and the Flints have not played, the Terni Henkel moves faster outpacing the Monini Spoleto, in second place with 4 points.
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Calcio: la Ternana pareggia con Lanciano in inferiorità numerica
The Ternana in 2011 still does not know the taste of victory at home. With the launch ended 0 to 0, although rossoverdi finish the game outnumbered by the expulsion of D'Antoni. Eventually, though, the mile field was once again faces decisive in at least three circumstances.
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Terni: altri due giorni di targhe alterne
It 's still in force on the order of the municipality of Terni smog, which provides limitations on the movement of vehicles on Mondays' and Tuesdays' each week, until 31 March. Therefore - points out the same municipality in a note - will move in next Monday area subject to the measure only motor vehicles of categories designated by odd final figure of the plate, while on Tuesday will be the turn of the plates. The City points out that even after the truce due to weather conditions favorable to the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere in recent days, the values \u200b\u200bof the fine particles are returned to climb in all the urban monitoring stations.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
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Droga, arrestato un romano. Riforniva il "supermercato" ternano
had 217 ecstasy tablets, a gram of cocaine, 9 grams of ketamine and 8 bottles of "popper," a 33-year-Monterotondo (Rome) arrested by the squad of Terni on charges of drug dealing . The investigations of the mobile started a few weeks ago when the Investigators have arrested a pusher Terni. The man, about 30 years, decided to cooperate with police and provided useful information to identify their supplier. The agents were placed under supervision of the suspect, 33-year MA in Monterotondo. I agree with the deputy prosecutor of Terni, Elizabeth Massini, who led the investigation, intercepted phone calls for days man, stalking him and checked his home in Monterotondo and places he used to attend. Acquired sufficient evidence, they then sought and obtained an order from the magistrate who carried out the raid last night. At the end of the Long Service 'were seized 217 ecstasy tablets well prepared to be entered the market in Terni, as well as' an ounce of cocaine, 9 grams of ketamine and 8 bottles of "popper". All this, along with about 500 €, the investigators suggest that both income from 'illegal, some mobile phones and many raw materials for packaging doses of narcotic was seized. MA was then arrested for drug possession for the purpose of pushing and transferred to the Roman prison of Rebibbia.
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I carabinieri denunciano tre persone per trasporto illegale di rifiuti
Three Moroccans living in Avigliano Umbro, have been reported on the run from police in Montecastrilli for collecting and illegally transported hazardous waste. The three were caught on board a truck on the outskirts of Avigliano Umbro, while carrying of the ferrous material collected in the vicinity without the necessary administrative permits. Both vehicle and its cargo were seized by the military.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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Carabinieri arrestano donna per estorsione: minacciava di raccontare relazione extraconiugale
For three years he has sought and received by former lover Terni large sums of money to not reveal their affair to his wife: this is a forty year old Tunisian was arrested by police on charges of Papigno extortion continued. The findings of the military after the end of the brief affair, the woman, out of work and time in Terni, had begun to ask all''uomo monthly basis, a trader quarantaquattrenne, disbursement of money from several thousand € and increasingly expensive. At Christmas, among other things, the woman had been traveling to an exotic country of about 10 thousand euro and had recently arrived to demand a kind of''golden handshake''to 100 thousand euro. Faced with this request, the trader, who over the years the woman had delivered 50 thousand euro in exchange for his silence, but decided to report the incident. Yesterday all''ennesimo appointment with the forties, which was to deliver 3 thousand euro, in an abandoned warehouse in Papigno, the man presented himself with the police. Immediately after the delivery of money, the woman was arrested.
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La finanza di Terni denuncia imprenditore per evasione
Terni An entrepreneur of 45 years has been denounced by Guardia di Finanza di Terni to have issued false invoices to 300 000 €, evading more than 70 000 euro of value added. As established by the financiers man, owner of a sole trader operating in the area of \u200b\u200binformation and advertising, between 2005 and 2009 would issue documents related to tax services never performed in a dozen companies based in Umbria, Genoa and Caltanissetta. Surveys and 'become evident that some invoices had been used symbols, logos, headers or non-existent, while in other cases, the signatures of the orders were counterfeit, or some payments were simulated. These mechanisms would allow both the company Terni that some of the companies in respect of which those were issued invoices to evade VAT. The investigation was kicked off after the purchase of a building by the entrepreneur Terni leading financiers to inquire about the company through its databases. When carrying out checks on all customers of the individual firm are then revealed the irregularities'. At the time, 'the financiers also examined the situation of firms are affected by false invoices for any challenge to the VAT evaded
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Già in 6 mila per andare by Pope
The emergency work to the attention of the Pope: the diocese of Terni, in 30 years John Paul II's visit to Terni steelworks, next March 26 will be received in special audience by Pope Benedict XVI in the Sala Nervi, the Vatican, and on the theme of the work that is missing or insecure will be asked the "'word authoritative and incisive''the Pope, as anticipated, the bishop of Terni, Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia."' In this difficult time for everyone and especially for the diversified world of work - says Straw - has been my concern to the Pope stressed the need for authoritative and incisive speech that supports the workers, their families and all those who strive to overcome the crisis. We have a concern in the heart, a big concern, which is labor. We know the difficulties that many companies are going through, but most of all feel the tragedy of so many who can not find work, and I think in particular the young for which does not seem possible a peaceful future.'' At the meeting, in addition to the parishes of the diocese, representatives of associations and movements of students and schools in the province, will therefore also Terni workers of companies, unions, associations, cooperatives and institutions.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Arrested arsonist bins
A Moroccan to 40 years, pluripregiudicato, was arrested by police in Terni for having set fire to four bins for waste collection, owned by asthma. The foreigner has been locked while he was in another box and fire at the sight of the military, has been resistant to the control. The place was also attended by the brigade fuoco, che hanno provveduto a spegnere le fiamme che hanno interessato i cassonetti, alcuni dei quali vicini ad autovetture e abitazioni. Il danno è stato quantificato dai rappresentanti dell'Asm in tremila euro. Il marocchino, già arrestato poco più di un mese fa per aver danneggiato numerose autovetture in sosta ed aver poi opposto resistenza ai militari, è stato condotto in carcere con l'accusa di incendio e resistenza a pubblico ufficiale.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Eight March: equal opportunities throughout the year
''Occorre fare una profonda riflessione sui motivi per i quali in questo momento stiamo toccando uno dei punti piu' bassi del lungo percorso di valorizzazione della donna e del raggiungimento effettivo della parita' di genere''. Lo ha evidenziato, in occasione anniversary of March 8, the commissioner for Equal Opportunities of the Province of Terni Stefania Cherubini.'' E'''was sent, especially in recent years - he adds - a strong cultural message, amplified by powerful media means devaluation of the intellectual resources to other less noble and the development of the latter in terms of purely economic success. This message needs now and immediately, for a strong and determined and who 'took a square of 13 February and the one voice of all women will continue their efforts in that direction.'' To the commissioner''is needed this year to follow up the invitation by the trade unions to mark this holiday strongly job-related because it is known that women are disadvantaged both in the workplace is, in difficult times like these, when access and pay a high price in terms of expulsion from the labor market.
Monday, March 7, 2011
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Chemistry: Marathon workers from Terni to Rome
''full solidarity with the workers who participate in the marathon and the event of litigation involving the support of Basell and around the industrial site''Terni, is expressed in a note , by Senators Umbrian Pd Francesco Ferrante and Anna Rita Fioroni. The group''of the Democratic Party, and in particular we as parliamentarians elected in Umbria - is said in the statement - since we dall''inizio followed with particular attention to the developments of a story that threatens to bring down entire production sector and in leaving one thousand workers and therefore will be watching very carefully sull''operato and commitments made by the Government. "" After months of aphasia - added the senators of the Democratic Party - the government has recently stated that''the leaders convene Basell to tell them that it is necessary to solve the crisis in a chemical plant, which goes on for too long at the expense of workers and of the whole territory. Dramatic risk of losing their jobs that the workers are racing to Basell is augmented by the real possibility to start a general fall in Terni nell''intero sector, unsustainable for the socio - economic. "" We have reached the final close, so - MPs claim - we are expecting from the government and only Basell facts and substance.''
''full solidarity with the workers who participate in the marathon and the event of litigation involving the support of Basell and around the industrial site''Terni, is expressed in a note , by Senators Umbrian Pd Francesco Ferrante and Anna Rita Fioroni. The group''of the Democratic Party, and in particular we as parliamentarians elected in Umbria - is said in the statement - since we dall''inizio followed with particular attention to the developments of a story that threatens to bring down entire production sector and in leaving one thousand workers and therefore will be watching very carefully sull''operato and commitments made by the Government. "" After months of aphasia - added the senators of the Democratic Party - the government has recently stated that''the leaders convene Basell to tell them that it is necessary to solve the crisis in a chemical plant, which goes on for too long at the expense of workers and of the whole territory. Dramatic risk of losing their jobs that the workers are racing to Basell is augmented by the real possibility to start a general fall in Terni nell''intero sector, unsustainable for the socio - economic. "" We have reached the final close, so - MPs claim - we are expecting from the government and only Basell facts and substance.''
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Volleyball: Spoleto and Terni Henkel beats back in first place
Taba drag Terni Henkel's first back in the standings in Serie C male. The team of Matteo Moroni liquid to the practice Palaitis Monini Spoleto after 3-fought set that is worth telling. The first teams have faced each point to point until 18-17 when the Terni took off. In the second case, the children of Matthew Moroni ahead for 19 to 14, they begin to commit a series of errors leading to the formations 23 to 24. But hands off of Marco Taba draw the set. Sabatini is at bat with the referees who, after a long series of rallies, whistle in favor of Terni. So the result of 25 to 24 is passed to that of 26-25, with the crucial point made by Corsetti. , The third set is staged on the same wavelength as the first, and then characterized by long exchanges. In the end the most technical rate of Terni has the edge over their opponents. As anticipated the day before, the Spoleto has played a very good performance. To report on all the performance of free Marchetti who has become the protagonist both in reception and defense, making exceptional recoveries. As for the Terni Henkel Taba was to make a difference. Since the Italchimici supported the turn of rest, the Terni Henkel jumped back into the top of the standings, two points above the Foligno.
coach Matthew Moroni |
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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Nothing "number plate" in the beginning of next week in Terni: The Mayor Leopoldo Di Girolamo has in fact ordered the suspension order "smog" which was adopted on January 28 last year following the consecutive number exceeds the threshold of concern of PM10 occurred in some of the urban monitoring stations. Over the past 15 days, thanks to favorable weather conditions to the dispersion of pollutants, "slippages" occurred only on Saturday and Sunday of last week and limited to the monitoring station of "The Thank You" and the weather forecast remains favorable to the dispersion of fine particles in the coming days. Following the suspension of the decision to limit traffic on Monday and Tuesday, March 8 next seven vehicles can then move freely. It will therefore facilitate the travel of citizens in particular, on 8 March, the same day that this year's International Women's Day and Mardi Gras. The ordinance, which introduced the "number plate" is still in force after The suspension begins next week, until its expiry on 31 March.
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no number plate Lombardy town of televisions stolen
The night before had spoken with his patrol in a local center for the theft of two LCD TVs 32 "and 37" and within hours he was the one to call the owner to give him the news of ' has recovered. An agent of the Flying Squad, last night while he was free of duty, has seen the entry into an abandoned building in Via Lombardia two young men, one of which went away shortly after moving from another exit. Be suspicious required the intervention of my colleagues on duty, and together they entered the premises where they found a crumbling Romanian citizen of 30 years who had made the place his habitual residence. Along with his personal effects, the agents found two televisions, a similar size and model, those stolen the night before and the origin of which the young man was not able to provide explanations. While the Romanian national was indicted for receiving stolen televisions and returned to its rightful owner, the officers continued their search for the person who had been seen entering the building el'hanno found in a bar where I used to meet Romanian citizens. It was a compatriot of 32 years, already hit by deportation, found in the company of another Romanian, also a recipient of the same size. Against of all three, will be issued by the relevant provisions of the Immigration Office for their expulsion from the country.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Volleyball: Terni Henkel back to playing at home against the Spoleto
Saturday, March 5 at Pala-Itis back the great volley. Henkel Terni, in fact, hosts the Spoleto Monini in what is the most important race of the championship series of C men's volleyball team. Just Spoleto managed to win the first leg against the formation of Matteo Moroni two sets, then by standing to play an important role in the continuation of the tournament. Marco Taba, Terni opposite team, is confident: "It will be a game to play well tactically, we should try to offer the best volleyball is being defense of receipt, that is, what are the best weapons of their opponents. I believe that playing on their strengths, we will be able to get the victory. " The match of the development and forgotten? "Forget not, because in the first two sets we lost, we were playing really hurt us." In the event of a victory with the Spoleto, the rankings would be now outlined. Henkel believes that there are, Italchimici, Monini and Grifo Volleyball to play the promotion to Serie B2? "Notwithstanding that, however, must finish the championship grid outline of the playoffs, I focus attention on the pavement. On the way to various problems could not have the best sextet. Now I think it is a team on the rise. For me it has all it takes to play the way down a leading role together with the Grifo, when the balance is in the field, it becomes a very strong team. "
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sells metal plates of the police. Merchants complained Orvieto
A trader of 54 years of Orvieto was denounced yesterday by the Division administrative, social and Immigration Police Headquarters in Terni for putting up for sale in his shop military items, document holders, metal plaques of recognition, door plates and wallets bearing, among others, the words: Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza. Objects are very similar those actually in use by Police Forces, but obviously lacking the identifying serial numbers that are assigned exclusively by the government of belonging.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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prefer heaven: a palace of Spring's book Pippo Corigliano
Pippo Corigliano, about forty years of Opus Dei spokesman in Italy, Terni will be Saturday, March 5 at 11am at the conference room of the Palazzo Primavera , to present his latest book "I prefer heaven", the meeting organized by the "People and civilizations", which will be introduced by Massimo Valigi president.
With a clear style and clear in the book the author analyzes the steps più suggestivi offerti dalla lettura dei Vangeli con particolare attenzione al tema della vita eterna che Gesù affronta più volte insieme ai suoi discepoli. Corigliano fornisce una chiara risposta al dilagante ateismo, lasciando intuire che lui stesso ha preferito, in nome della sua fede, lasciare tutto, in termini terreni, preferendo il paradiso. Un libro scritto con la leggerezza di chi sa scrivere e supportato da una connessione continua fra nuovo ed antico testamento. Nella previsione che questo libro potrà anche innervosire molti, l'autore rimanda a Giovanni Paolo II: "Non abbiate paura aprite, anzi spalancate le porte a Cristo alla sua salvatrice potestà...".
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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Fines in the center: the citizens of Terni protest
But such faults are to pay the residents of the city center? That 's what you are asking more and more residents, especially those in the area of \u200b\u200bMarket Square, off the street and More De Filis. "From Christmas Eve, was an escalation, a sort of aggressive treatment: up to 19 hours of ZTL and fines
especially to residents, traffic became chaotic trementdamente without creating parking lots. Be on time also reported by news reports and supported at times by the collection of signatures of many citizens. in various capacities in questi giorni è stato chiesto a consiglieri di circoscrizione e comunali di interessarsi del problema. Ma, come successo per la riapertura del varco di via Corona, gli amministratori preferiscono ascoltare le associazioni di categoria, come quelle dei commercianti, piuttosto che discutere con i cittadini. Sono scelte. Ma i nostri amministratori hanno fatto uno screening su quali nuclei familiari sta gravando questo balzello delle multe? Tanto per cominciare su quelle famiglie regolari che difficilmente usufruiscono di agevolazioni di
alcun tipo nel settore del welfare che magari si ritrovano trattenute in buste paga di tutte le addizionali possibili. Come se non bastasse ciò, sono quelle famiglie a cui si è deciso pure di far pagare the second permit, despite deciding to reside in the center take in life that center who might otherwise die. The only problem? What not to own garage. And to think, for example, that in the Market Square parking there. But during the morning hours is hard, even for residents. Where should leave the car? There would be parking for Carioli Largo. But even this is a hard area. Residents have repeatedly asked to be seen to retain part of the parking lot without getting hit. What to do, because not everyone can afford to buy a garage, or are not able to rent a parking space at the Central parking? And the "crazy" idea that Terni could turn the bike in what happened? And that enhance the shuttle Atc forcing
autobobilisti to use the car parks that already exist and are often not used until the end (below Staino-Area Walk-Corso del Popolo pay-Largo Manni ), so relieve the LTZ. And to think that 53 percent of fine particles is caused by traffic. "
Monday, February 28, 2011
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institutions taking
in the Official Gazette of the Umbria Region of tomorrow are published - as reported by a press entity - including the following notices of contest . Unita 'Sanitaria Locale No. 1 Citta' di Castello - a warning, based on qualifications and examination for entering into any fixed-term employment contracts in the functional position of Medical Director - radiology discipline - public announcement, qualifications and tests, for coverage of No 1 post of Medical Director - discipline sports medicine - the public announcement, qualifications and tests, for coverage of No 1 post of executive physical - health physical discipline. Unita 'Sanitaria Locale No. 3 Skype: - call for open competition, based on qualifications and examinations, which cover No 3 posts of Medical Director - discipline: obstetrics and gynecology - Area and surgical specialties' surgery. Unita 'Sanitaria Locale n.4 Terni : - Warning for the formation of a company's list of doctors candidates for the provisional teaching appointment, replacement and / or on-call 'service continuity in the' care. Rest Home Moscow - Gubbio: - Extract public notice of selection, qualifications and testing theory and practice, to formulate a ranking at the conclusion of any fixed-term employment contracts in the profile of employee health care professional - nurse (cat. D) - Negotiable health sector.
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For March 17 Coop down their shutters
On March 17, is a feast of all Italians and Coop stores closed for the day: it is the unanimous decision of Unicoop Florence, Italy and Unicoop Tirreno Centro Coop. "Just as May Day is a holiday of working-said in a press- that of March 17 represents the value of unity of a people. The three cooperatives want to celebrate this event with all Italians. Why did you choose to operate with a constant reference to collective values \u200b\u200band shared is what has always characterized the cooperative world. "
On March 17, is a feast of all Italians and Coop stores closed for the day: it is the unanimous decision of Unicoop Florence, Italy and Unicoop Tirreno Centro Coop. "Just as May Day is a holiday of working-said in a press- that of March 17 represents the value of unity of a people. The three cooperatives want to celebrate this event with all Italians. Why did you choose to operate with a constant reference to collective values \u200b\u200band shared is what has always characterized the cooperative world. "
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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Ternana: Visi paratutto and ends with Foligno in equal
Tie between Foligno and Terni. Giordano Bruno Cejas left on the bench, that play will be ejected without proposing Sinigaglia-attack in the couple Tozzi Borsoi. But to create the greatest dangers are those of Foligno hitting a pole as well. In the second para Visi all and the match ended 0 to 0.
Tie between Foligno and Terni. Giordano Bruno Cejas left on the bench, that play will be ejected without proposing Sinigaglia-attack in the couple Tozzi Borsoi. But to create the greatest dangers are those of Foligno hitting a pole as well. In the second para Visi all and the match ended 0 to 0.
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