Friday, March 11, 2011

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Carabinieri arrestano donna per estorsione: minacciava di raccontare relazione extraconiugale

For three years he has sought and received by former lover Terni large sums of money to not reveal their affair to his wife: this is a forty year old Tunisian was arrested by police on charges of Papigno extortion continued. The findings of the military after the end of the brief affair, the woman, out of work and time in Terni, had begun to ask all''uomo monthly basis, a trader quarantaquattrenne, disbursement of money from several thousand € and increasingly expensive. At Christmas, among other things, the woman had been traveling to an exotic country of about 10 thousand euro and had recently arrived to demand a kind of''golden handshake''to 100 thousand euro. Faced with this request, the trader, who over the years the woman had delivered 50 thousand euro in exchange for his silence, but decided to report the incident. Yesterday all''ennesimo appointment with the forties, which was to deliver 3 thousand euro, in an abandoned warehouse in Papigno, the man presented himself with the police. Immediately after the delivery of money, the woman was arrested.


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