Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sample Of Staff Suspend From Work Letter

Eight March: equal opportunities throughout the year

''Occorre fare una profonda riflessione sui motivi per i quali in questo momento stiamo toccando uno dei punti piu' bassi del lungo percorso di valorizzazione della donna e del raggiungimento effettivo della parita' di genere''. Lo ha evidenziato, in occasione anniversary of March 8, the commissioner for Equal Opportunities of the Province of Terni Stefania Cherubini.'' E'''was sent, especially in recent years - he adds - a strong cultural message, amplified by powerful media means devaluation of the intellectual resources to other less noble and the development of the latter in terms of purely economic success. This message needs now and immediately, for a strong and determined and who 'took a square of 13 February and the one voice of all women will continue their efforts in that direction.'' To the commissioner''is needed this year to follow up the invitation by the trade unions to mark this holiday strongly job-related because it is known that women are disadvantaged both in the workplace is, in difficult times like these, when access and pay a high price in terms of expulsion from the labor market.


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