Association San Vincenzo de 'Paoli, at the annual diocesan meeting that was held Sunday, March 13 at Villa Holy Spirit, has been responsible for the renewal of elective office. the presidency, was elected diocesan Antonella Catanzani , Vice President Daniel Eramo, secretary Monica Crooks, treasurer Gildo Ranalli. Were appointed members of the Bureau: Giancarlo Felicetti, Help, Nicholas, Gianna Campisi, Alessandra Rossi, Roberto Reale. The St. Vincent de Paul is an 'association conferences in the diocese has 14 parishes and one that manages the Counselling Centre is open daily at the headquarters in Via aminal 45 in Terni, which assists the poor in the diocesan territory where has not established a conference. The report of the outgoing president Giancarlo Felicetti revealed a worrying picture for the growing poverty and almost 2675 people assisted by the Italian half. "We are facing a difficult situation, with poverty increasing in the number and diversity of shapes and parties involved, to which we can not always provide adequate response - said the outgoing president Felicetti -. There are many young families who have found themselves in a short time without an income because of layoffs and layoffs that are struggling to live in dignity and seeking help for both food and for the payment of utility bills. "A crisis that worries the Vincentians themselves for the increasing difficulties in raising funds and assets necessary to help those in need.
Antonella Catanzani |
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