But such faults are to pay the residents of the city center? That 's what you are asking more and more residents, especially those in the area of \u200b\u200bMarket Square, off the street and More De Filis. "From Christmas Eve, was an escalation, a sort of aggressive treatment: up to 19 hours of ZTL and fines
especially to residents, traffic became chaotic trementdamente without creating parking lots. Be on time also reported by news reports and supported at times by the collection of signatures of many citizens. in various capacities in questi giorni è stato chiesto a consiglieri di circoscrizione e comunali di interessarsi del problema. Ma, come successo per la riapertura del varco di via Corona, gli amministratori preferiscono ascoltare le associazioni di categoria, come quelle dei commercianti, piuttosto che discutere con i cittadini. Sono scelte. Ma i nostri amministratori hanno fatto uno screening su quali nuclei familiari sta gravando questo balzello delle multe? Tanto per cominciare su quelle famiglie regolari che difficilmente usufruiscono di agevolazioni di
alcun tipo nel settore del welfare che magari si ritrovano trattenute in buste paga di tutte le addizionali possibili. Come se non bastasse ciò, sono quelle famiglie a cui si è deciso pure di far pagare the second permit, despite deciding to reside in the center take in life that center who might otherwise die. The only problem? What not to own garage. And to think, for example, that in the Market Square parking there. But during the morning hours is hard, even for residents. Where should leave the car? There would be parking for Carioli Largo. But even this is a hard area. Residents have repeatedly asked to be seen to retain part of the parking lot without getting hit. What to do, because not everyone can afford to buy a garage, or are not able to rent a parking space at the Central parking? And the "crazy" idea that Terni could turn the bike in what happened? And that enhance the shuttle Atc forcing
autobobilisti to use the car parks that already exist and are often not used until the end (below Staino-Area Walk-Corso del Popolo pay-Largo Manni ), so relieve the LTZ. And to think that 53 percent of fine particles is caused by traffic. "
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